April 12, 2000


    Russ Wilder, Chairman - Present
    Alan Carpenter, Vice Chairman - Present
    Lisa Linowes, Secretary - Present
    Margaret Crisler, Selectmen Member - Excused
    Walter Kolodziej, Regular Member - Present
    Ross McLeod, Regular Member - Present
    Wayne Morris, Regular Member - Present
    Roger Hohenberger, Selectmen Alternate - Present

    Mr. Hohenberger replaced Mrs. Crisler on the Board.

Mr. Wilder reviewed the evening's agenda. Discussion ensued regarding the agenda items.

MINUTE APPROVALS: Mr. Morris made a motion to approve the April 5, 2000 minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Hohenberger. Discussion ensued. Vote taken. Passed 6-0-1. Mr. Kolodziej abstained.


Discussion ensued regarding the by-laws and how to proceed with the meeting.

Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to take a five-minute recess. Seconded by Mr. Morris. Passed 7-0.

The meeting reconvened at 7:30 pm. Mr. Wilder read the changes to the by-laws. Discussion ensued regarding the changes.


Carr Hill Subdivision (1-A-100 & 400) 35-lots - Public Hearing Continued
Londonderry, Grandview, and Coventry Roads

The Planning Board attended a site-walk to the Carr Hill Subdivision at 5:30 pm this evening. Mr. Turner described the walk. Mr. Wilder read the list of issues. Mr. Turner addressed the requested waivers of street grades at the intersection of Carr Hill and Coventry roads, storm drainage, minimum requirements for cul de sac, side lot line waiver, road cross sections, (waiver 5 not needed any longer) road profiles. Staff recommends all waivers. Discussion ensued regarding water in the area. No certificate of occupancy (CO) should be issued until hooked up to Pennichuck. Mr. Szemplinski gave Mr. Wilder a letter dated February 18 from Pennichuck regarding the extension of Oak Wood Community Water system to the Carr Hill Subdivision. He also gave Mr. Wilder a copy of the state approval for the Carr Hill Subdivision which states the approval has a municipal water supply. Discussion ensued regarding CO's for phases two through four are contingent upon adequate supply of water from Pennichuck via a new line from Derry. Mr. Szemplinski explained that the water system was being upgraded.

Discussion ensued regarding conditions of approval including water, line of sight construction to be done first, drainage, construction of an access road, dust control plan, stages of development of the water system, storm water velocity pipes waivers, construction phases, water easement, posting a 4' x 8'sign at the entrance of project which clearly identifies the project, signs on entrance to Coventry and Grandview Roads that they are not the construction entrance, and New and Londonderry Road sight distance problem.

Mr. Brian Harvey, H&B Homes, stated that a traffic study was done, and it wasn't a problem at that intersection. Discussion continued about the sight distance problem.

Public discussion began with Paul Sullivan, 7 Coventry road, had a couple of questions. Safety is the biggest concern and wanted to know if the "Children at Play" signs would be considered this evening. His other concern was for his well; it's perfect now and is concerned about his recourse if something goes wrong after the blasting. Mr. Turner recommends a pre-blast survey and well quantity test and turbidity tests be done. The blasters have insurance if there's a problem. Mr. Sullivan stated that he was comfortable with builder. Safety is the chief concern; there are six children under the age of seven at the cul de sac. Mr. Turner stated that after the work is done if Mr. Sullivan and the resident at 12 Coventry Road are not satisfied, they could file a claim form with the blasters insurance regarding the impact to their wells. The action taken by the insurance company would depend on the problem. Mr. Turner's experience is that he has not had one complaint since the blasting policy was put into affect. Discussion ensued regarding the Town's blasting policy, house and well testing.

Mr. Sullivan appreciates diverting the construction traffic, but wanted clarification of Mr. Szemplinski statement of "putting the road through quick." Mr. Harvey stated that his intentions were to put the road through with this year. Discussion ensued about pre-blast testing of the homes at 7 &12 Coventry Roads.

Mr. Turner explain the requested waivers of street grades, storm drainage, cul de sac size, side lot lines, road cross sections and road profiles. Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to accept the waivers for the Carr Hill Subdivision. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0.

Mr. Turner read the list of conditions of approval for the subdivision: 1) work with the Historic Commission on pamphlet and sign for development; 2) stonewalls should be reused or left intact where possible; 3) reuse of cut granite stone or preserving them including the cistern; 4) notice that is illegal to move or disturb the three-town granite post; 5) pre-blast survey and well testing for 7 & 12 Coventry Road for turbidity and yield paid for by the developer; 6) three-way stop sign at Carr Hill and Coventry Roads; 7) screening with shrubbery for 151 Londonderry Road property; 8) protect isolated wetlands with silt fencing; 9) Children at Play signs at both ends of Coventry Road; 10) line of sight work on Londonderry Road, remove vegetation and portion of embankment before construction begins on rest of site; 11) setting or bonding of property bounds; 12) road bonding at the end of second phase of construction; 13) certificate of occupancy contingent upon adequate water supplied by Pennichuck Water Works; 14) construction of a temporary road to the site on Londonderry Road with dust and erosion controls to minimize construction traffic on Grandview and Coventry Roads.

Mr. Wilder read the fire department comments. Discussion ensued regarding fire hydrants. Mr. Kolodziej made a motion for the developer to install a hire hydrant at the top of Grandview Road. Seconded by Ms. Linowes. Discussion ensued. Vote taken. Failed 1-6. Mr. Harvey stated that he will work with the fire chief in regards to a fire hydrant stub.

The Board continued the list of subdivision conditions of approval: 15) placement of construction sign indicating name and telephone numbers of home builder, road builder, and developer which identifies the construction site; 16) signs placed on Grandview and Coventry Roads for construction vehicles to use the temporary construction road off Londonderry Road.

Mr. Szemplinski stated that there is a large lot in the subdivision. He wanted the Planning Board to be aware that there are plans to subdivide it in two in the future. It requires a dredge and fill and will come back at a later date.

Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to approve the Carr Hill Subdivision with the conditions. Seconded by Mr. McLeod. Passed 7-0.


Mr. Wilder continued to read the changes to the by-laws. Discussion ensued regarding the changes.

Mr. Kolodziej made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Carpenter seconded. Passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.

These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Charland

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