FEBRUARY 23, 2000


    Keith Goldstein - Chairman - present
    Russell Wilder - Vice Chairman - excused
    Annette Stoller - Secretary - present
    Margaret Crisler - Selectman - present
    Galen Stearns - Selectmen's Alternate - present
    Walter Kolodziej - Regular Member - present
    Wayne Morris - Regular Member - present
    Bernie Rouillard - Regular Member - present
    Alan Carpenter - Alternate - present
    Fred Noyles - Alternate - absent
    Betty Dunn - Alternate - present

    Mr. Carpenter replaced Mr. Wilder.


Wayne Bailey, Transfer Station Manager; Ken Bergeron, Developer; Craig Francisco, Bedford Design; Steve Fruchtman, Fire Chief; James Gove, Gove Associates, Stephen Haight, Herbert Associates; Lisa Linowes, Planning Board Candidate; Ross McLeod, Planning Board Candidate; Bruce Moeckle, Police Chief; Jack Semplenski, Benchmark Engineering; Bob Thorndike, Town Engineer.


Mr. Goldstein read the following correspondence:

  • letter from Mr. Russ Wilder, Planning Board Member, regarding road standards.
  • letter from David Sullivan, Town Administrator, regarding the Highway Safety Committee's opinion of the current road standards.

Bruce Moeckle, Windham Police Chief and Highway Safety Committee member, discussed the items mentioned in the letter. The Committee believes we should stay with the current standards.

Mr. Turner explained that there is a breakdown in the planning process; he's not sure want the standards are. He explained the impact on the Town including treatment swales, public safety, street maintenance, property values, and the tax rate. He also showed photographs of drainage problems from the February 14 rainstorm. He then further detailed the problems. Mr. Turner read a 1997 letter from Mr. Bob Thorndike, Town Engineer, regarding Windham's road standards. Mr. Thorndike was asked if he still feels the same way, and he responded, "More so." Mr. Turner then responded to Mr. Wilder's letter. Mr. Turner read a letter from Mr. Raymond Reeves, from Heritage Hill Road regarding drainage problems. Discussion ensued regarding correcting Heritage Hill Road problems, drainage, and water quality.

Mr. Rouillard read the DES regulations and their position. He stated that the Board should be able to use discretion in design. He said that the examples shown were either poor design or the design was circumvented by people changing the drainage. He also said that swales and cape cod burms are also high maintenance, and that larger roads encourage speeding. Mr. Rouillard then read an article from the Planning Commission Journal.

Discussion ensued regarding enforcing existing standards, road widths, drainage, staff, Highway Safety Committee to see plans during conceptual stage, who makes up the Highway Safety Committee, and water treatment for drainage ditches.

Mr. Thorndike spoke of a 35-lot subdivision example and it's drainage. He stated that there have been dozens of road designs used over the years. We have lived with the current standards for 10 years, and it makes for a good road, and treats the water. He also stated that the current standards are the best they could be.

Discussion ensued regarding a sliding scale road standards, drainage being altered, and current standards. Mr. Morris read the RPC road specifications.

Mr. Bailey, identified himself as a citizen and licensed real estate agent, had several issues. 1) there are snow removal problems with ditches; 2) restoring ditches costs money, as well as, paying for attorneys; 3) concerned about water quality; 4) when the size of a road is changed, the size of the right-of-way should be maintained.

Mr. Semplenski, engineer, discussed road maintenance, road standards, water quality, water ditches, and curbing. He stated that the Planning Board should consider waivers when wetlands are present but not for houses. He is in favor of current standards with a sliding scale for smaller subdivisions.

Steve Haight, engineer, stated that he could engineer anything the Planning Board wanted, but the developers need to know what the standards are because it has an effect on the cost of the project. The road designs need to consideration the future. He stated that he supports the idea of a sliding scale.

Jim Gove, Gove Associates, explained the difference in the drainage systems with reference to water quality, vernal pools, impervious surfaces, and fertilizer.

Craig Francisco, surveyor, stated that ditches and treatment swales both work well and both need maintenance.

Mr. Turner stated that he would like to keep the current road standards and drainage systems we have. Staff can make recommendations, the engineers can make waiver requests, and the Board can use their discretion. The Board should go on site walks when necessary to change plans. He stated that we should look at existing roads, find what's good and bad about them, and go from there. Also input from the Highway Safety Committee should be at the conceptual stage.

Chief Moeckle likes the drainage at the Police Department. When the drains get clogged with slush, it is very easy to take care of. Chief Moeckle was asked for statistics supporting wider roads; he did not have statistics, and replied that as a driver think of yourself and the depth perception on wider roads.

Chief Fruchtman's concern with drainage is the cost. Weather related calls cost between $75-$100 per hour for crew. Keeping swales clear needs to be enforced. He also stated that fire equipment takes up 12' of roads, and the Board should think of traffic widths when fire apparatus is on a road. He invited the Board to take a ride and see the problems. The deeper swales are a problem; a car could hit one and roll inside the drainage swale.

Discussion ensued regarding graduated road widths, road width changes in some areas, water quality, policies, working within the existing ordinance, two issues are road widths and drainage, planning, using current standards, and addressing changes in the field.

The Board went into executive session at 10:00 pm.

Mrs. Crisler made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Wilder. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 pm.

These minutes are in draft form and have not been submitted for approval.

Nancy Charland

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