August 15, 2003

On August 15, 2003 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel , Al Barlow, Deputy Chief Tom McPherson, and Al Turner. Jack McCartney was excused. Meeting began at 12:00 pm .


Oriole and Cardinal Road - Request for three way stop sign and removal of barrier

  • The Committee does not support the removal of the barrier and in fact agrees that the barrier, which was recommended and approved last year by the Selectmen, serves to better define the intersection of Cardinal and Oriole Roads. Further, the Stop sign requested was considered last year, but due to sight distances was not recommended. In order to place a Stop sign in this area, the Committee feels strongly that the intersection needs to be reconstructed into a T-shaped intersection.

Glance Road - Safety Measures

  • The following requests were received:

  1. “Dead End” or “Not a Thru Street” sign

  2. “Children at Play” sign

  • Chief Moeckel moved to recommend the Selectmen approve the installation of a “No Outlet” sign as this road ends in a cul-de-sac, but people travel down the road thinking it leads to somewhere. Mr. Turner seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Chief Moeckel moved to deny the request for a “Slow Children” sign as this signage is unenforceable and these types of signs have not been supported by the Committee in the past. Mr. Turner seconded. Passed unanimously.

Mockingbird Hill Road - Safety Measures

  • The following requests were received:

  1. “Children at Play” sign

  2. Speed limit signs – 30 mph

  • Mr. Turner moved to request the Police Department conduct a speed survey on Mockingbird Hill Road . Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Chief Moeckel moved to deny the request for a “Slow Children” sign as this signage is unenforceable and these types of signs have not been supported by the Committee in the past. Mr. Turner seconded. Passed unanimously.

Faith Road - Safety Measures

  • The following requests were received:

  1. Speed limit of 25 mph

  2. “No Thru Traffic” sign

  3. “Stop sign” at intersection of Faith and Ridgemont and Faith and Atlantic .

  4. “Children at Play” sign

  • Mr. Turner moved to request the Police Department conduct a speed survey on Faith Road . Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Mr. Turner moved to deny the request for “No thru traffic” as this road connects with many other roads in the area. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Mr. Turner moved to recommend the installation of a “Stop” sign at the intersections of Faith and Ridgemont and Faith and Atlantic , and further request the Selectmen post a public hearing for same. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Mr. Turner moved to deny the request for a “Slow Children” sign as this signage is unenforceable and these types of signs have not been supported by the Committee in the past. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

Londonderry Road - Safety Measures near #89

  • The following requests were received:

  1. Speed limit of 25 mph west of Fern Street

  2. Install a mirror across from #89 Londonderry Road

  3. “Slow-Blind Driveway” sign at corner of Fern Street

  • Mr. Turner moved to request the Police Department conduct a speed survey on Londonderry Road in this area. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Mr. Turner moved to instruct the requesting party that the Committee does not involve itself with mirrors on roads as we cannot allow such items in the town’s right of way. If the requesting party would like to pursue installing the mirror at their cost they can contact the Code Enforcement Officer for assistance on placement. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • Mr. Turner moved to recommend the installation of a “ Blind Drive ” sign as requested. Chief Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

Bridle Bridge Road - "No Thru Trucking" on Road

  • The Committee discussed this request at length. Chief Moeckel moved to advise the Board of Selectmen that the Committee was referring the request to the Board for decision as the Committee could not come to a position on the issue. Deputy McPherson seconded. Passed unanimously.

Jenny Hill Road - Road Name

  • Mr. Turner presented a request from the Planning Board for the Committee to comment on the road name for the extension off of Jenny Hill Road . The developer has proposed that the new road have a new name as it turns off the present cul-de-sac.

  • Chief Moeckel moved to recommend that the Planning Board continue the name of Jenny’s Hill as the new road will be a continuation off the existing road. Another reason for this position is that the ability to have a continuous numbering system for homes is beneficial to the public safety departments. Mr. Barlow seconded. Passed 4-1 with Mr. Turner opposed. 

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm


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