June 17, 2003


On June 17, 2003 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Al Barlow, Chief Don Messier, and Jack McCartney were present.


Morrison Road

  • The Planning Board requested a traffic survey be conducted on Morrison Road in regard to speed limits, and consideration of a guard rail at the sharp corner near  the Costa residence.

  • The Committee referred the request to the Police Department.  

Road Pavement Widths

  • The Planning Board requested comment from the Committee on road pavement widths in general and specifically in regards to the Nassar subdivision off of Governor Dinsmore Road .

  • Mr. Messier moved that the Committee maintain its support of 28’ road pavement widths. Further that some of the reasons for this position versus narrower roads include:

  • Provides better access for public safety vehicles;

  • Provides better access for bus access;

  • Eases road maintenance operations, particularly during snow removal operations;

  • Provides a safer area for pedestrians; and

  • Provides room for visitors and people doing business at residential properties needing to park outside driveway limits.

  • Finally that the Highway Safety Committee remain consistent in supporting the 28’ road width requirement and not amend their position at this time. 

  • In terms of the Nassar project, the Committee not support an exception to the 28’ width position and maintain its May 2002 recommendation relative to this subdivision proposal. Mr. Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.


Lexington Road – No parking on both sides of road

  • The Committee discussed a request from Mr. Poulson, Transfer Station Manager, to post both sides of Lexington Rd as “No Parking” due to the amount of traffic which parks on the road on a Saturday and walks their trash into the Transfer Station.

  • After review, Mr. Turner moved to table this request to allow the Committee to review other alternatives for traffic flow within the Transfer Station, prior to posting signs on Lexington Road . Further that the Committee meet with Mr. Poulson to review such alternatives. Mr. Moeckel seconded. Passed unanimously.

West Shore Road - Installation of Guard Rail at #3

  • The Committee discussed a request from the owners of #3 West Shore Rd to install a guard rail in front of their property due to two vehicles hitting the house in recent years.

  • The Committee tabled this item until the next meeting to allow all to view the site.

Meeting adjourned at 1 pm


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