May 27, 2003


On May 27, 2003 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Al Barlow, Chief Don Messier, and Jack McCartney were present.


Christy Road Extension

  • The Committee reviewed conceptual plans and made the following motion: 

  • Mr. Moeckel moved that the Committee support the conceptual plans as shown, provided 26’ pavement widths, 80’ radius on cul-de-sac circle, and upgrades to existing section of roadway.  Mr. Messier seconded. Passed unanimously

Jamieson Subdivision

  • The Committee reviewed conceptual plans and made the following motion: 

  • Mr. Moeckel moved that the Committee support the conceptual plans as shown, provided developer does as agreed to with the planning board to provide 24’ road widths, 80’ radius on cul-de-sac circle with pavement to the outer edge, and upgrades to Bissell Camp Road to 50’ beyond centerline of intersection with new road. Mr. Barlow seconded. Passed unanimously


Depot Road Parking Area – Use of Light on Building at Night

  • The Committee discussed the request from the Board of Selectmen to review the idea of turning on the lights used by the highway department during the evenings year round. Presently the lights, spot light types on the building, are only turned on when the highway department is processing materials.

  • Mr. Messier moved to advise the Selectmen that the Committee does not feel that this type of decision is within their charge. He noted however that should the Board feel that a light was needed, that a street light be used rather than the present spot lights due to cost. Mr. Barlow seconded. Passed unanimously.

Depot Road Parking Area – Parking Regulations

  • The Committee discussed the need of additional parking regulations within the parking area of the Depot.

  • The Committee felt that in order to properly regulate the parking any further requires coordination with the State as the state owes much of the property comprising the parking area. Without a fence to restrict parking to one side of the lot, any signage at this time would be difficult given the split jurisdiction between the town and state.

  • Mr. Moeckel moved to table this issue pending resolution of HB420 regarding ATV usage on the Rockingham Recreational Trail in Windham . Once the final disposition of HB420 is known, the Committee should readdress this issue along with the Committee’s previous recommendation to install a fence within the parking area, as well as the paving of the parking area.   Mr. Messier seconded. Passed unanimously.


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