May 6, 2003


On May 6, 2003 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Al Turner, Al Barlow, Acting Chief Don Messier, and Jack McCartney were present.


  • None Received


Mockingbird Hill Road - Request for a stop sign

  • Request for Stop sign at end of Mockingbird Hill Road , at the sharp blind corner of Governor Dinsmore Road

  • Mr. Messier moved to recommend Selectmen schedule public hearing for the approval of Stop sign as requested. Mr. McCartney seconded. Passed unanimously.

Beacon Hill Road – Petition opposed to line striping

  • Petition received from several residents on Beacon Hill road requesting that the striping of the road not occur again in the future, but rather other means of traffic control be considered. 

  • Mr. McCartney moved to agree with the request of the residents and to recommend against striping in the future along Beacon Hill Road . Mr. Messier seconded. Passed unanimously.

  • The Committee tabled any consideration of other signage suggested for the immediate future as the area has been reviewed for signs in the past and various ones such as “blind drives”, “speed limits” have previously been installed.

Depot Road – Trail Parking Area

  • Request received from Selectmen to review Depot Road parking area for possible paving and other improvements to better regulate the parking of vehicles. 

  • Mr. McCartney moved to recommend the parking plan previously drawn by the town and state, and to request permission from the State DRED to erect a fence as shown on the plan from the parking area, through the highway operating area, to a point at the far end of the town shed parking lot. Parking to be restricted to the area outside the fence. Permission from the State required as majority of fence will be constructed on State property. Mr. Barlow seconded. Passed unanimously.

Anderson Road / Rte 111 Intersection- No Left Turn sign

  • Mr. Turner moved to recommend that the Selectmen officially endorse the “no left turn” sign at the corner of Anderson Road onto Rte 111 as required by the Planning Board as part of the day care site approval on Anderson Road .

  • Motion failed due to lack of a second.


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