March 11, 2003


On March 11, 2003 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Al Turner, Al Barlow, and Jack McCartney. Deputy Chief Don Messier was excused.


Windham Animal Hospital Libby Road

  • The Committee reviewed conceptual plans and made the following motion:

  • Mr. Moeckel moved that the Committee find no apparent Highway Safety issues with the plans as proposed.   Mr. Turner seconded. Passed unanimously.

St. Matthews Parish – Center Addition – Searles Road

  • The Committee reviewed conceptual plans and made the following motion:

  • Mr. Turner moved to recommend that parking be prohibited along both sides of Searles Road from the intersection of Range Road up and to the intersection with Roulston Road .

  • Mr. McCartney seconded. Passed unanimously.


Castlehill Road - Request for a blind drive

  • Request for blind drive sign near intersection on Barker Road and Castlehill Road . Concern expressed by owner of 8 Castlehill. 

  • Committee tabled the request until Thursday March 20, 2003 to review site. 


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