September 10, 2002


On September 10, 2002 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations.

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Chief Steve Fruchtman,  Al Turner, Al Barlow, and Jack McCartney.


  • None Presented


Depot Road Parking Area

  • The Committee reviewed a proposed parking scheme for the Depot Road parking area (used by the Rockingham Recreational Trail users). The State proposed parking for approximately 22 spaces with two alternative egresses. 

Mr. Fruchtman made a motion to support the following changes to the proposed parking area:

  1. That the eight or so spaces designated as 10’ X 15’ be moved to an area across from the designated 10’ X 30’ spaces.

  2. That the three 10’ X 30’ spaces closest to the storage shed be re-designated into two handicapped accessible spaces with a shared access area in the middle.

  3. That the last 10’ X 30’ space be eliminated to allow turning of parked vehicles.

  4. Placement of signage in designated areas stating “No Trailers” (in front of 10’ X 15’ spaces) and “Trailers Allowed” (in front of 10’ X 30’ spaces).

  5. Egress to be as shown in the area to the front of the storage shed.

  6. All other areas of the lot to be designated as “No Parking” with appropriate barriers as needed.

  7. Mr. Turner will show above recommended changes as “mark ups” to the proposed plan.

  • Mr. Moeckel seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Spruce Pond – Open Space Development ( Lot 3-B-600, 800, 890, 1200, and 1300)

  • The Committee reviewed plans for a proposed 116 unit open space development to be constructed in 3 phases. 

  • Mr. Fruchtman moved to recommend

  1. That the new subdivision roads shown on the plans be  constructed at 28’ wide with closed drainage and curbing.

  2. That the entrance road from Rte 28 be relocated or moved southerly to an area which would be closer to the middle of Libby Road . This would be safer for possible further connections across Rte 28 as well as be away from an already busy intersection at Depot Road and Rte 28.

  • Mr. McCartney seconded. Passed unanimously.


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