May 16, 2002


On May 16, 2002 , the Department Heads discussed the following request for highway safety improvements and made the following recommendations. 

Attendance: David Sullivan, Chief Bruce Moeckel, Chief Steve Fruchtman,  Al Turner, Al Barlow, and Patrick Yatsevich.


Oriole and Cardinal Roads

  • Request by Board of Selectman to “T-off” the intersection.

  • This was a continuation of the May 9th meeting discussion.

  • Those present reviewed pictures of the intersection of Cardinal and Oriole Roads. Mr. Turner, Chief Moeckel and Captain Yatsevich conducted a site review of the intersection and took a series of pictures (attached). They recommended the following:

  1. the intersection be reconfigured by lessening the width of the pavement in the area of the end of Cardinal Road as it passes Oriole Road , thereby creating more of a “T” with the curved area.

  2. installing a Stop sign on Cardinal Road with a Curve sign on the reverse side.

  3. painting a double yellow line around the curve of Cardinal into Oriole Roads.

  4. installing a curve sign on Oriole Road in the area of the intersection.

These adjustments would provide more of a defined delineation of the intersection and require those vehicles traveling from the end of Cardinal Road to stop prior to proceeding either down Cardinal or Oriole Rds. 

  • Chief Fruchtman moved as recommended. Seconded by Mr. Turner. Passed unanimously. 

  • The Committee’s recommendation and copies of the pictures taken will be submitted to the Selectmen for consideration.


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