AUGUST 12, 1999

Present: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schenna; M.Stolz; C.Todisco; C.Webber

HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION: Discussion was held regarding Capital Improvement Proposals. HDC is submitting requests for structural repairs to the Senior Center and the Planning Dept. building (Bartley House) based on the 1998-submittal proposal. These amounts include a 20% increase from 1995 estimates and are based on recommendations by JSN Consultants and State Architectural Historian James Garvin. These requests will be discussed in September with the CIP Committee and further explored at that time. Repairs to these historic buildings, both of which contribute so greatly to the character of the town center, have been long neglected and were by-passed for 1998 CIP. The Commission feels that both structures have many years of useful life to help ease the space needs of the town but it is vital that structural needs be addressed.

Motion by C.Webber to request $68,750 for the Bartley House and $47,500 for the Senior Center. Second by C.Pynn. Motion Passed 7-0

Brochure received from the RPC to announce the fall 1999 Municipal Law Lectures. Any member of the Commission may attend.

Letter received from the Conservation Commission regarding existence of a tall stone chimney located in the new subdivision off Meetinghouse Road. C.Webber and C.Pynn tried to locate this structure but could not do so due to the heavy growth of foliage.

HERITAGE COMMISSION: The following plans were reviewed for comments to the Planning Board:

  1. 17-g-40 Shoreline Realty Trust "Ristorante Italiano" 88 Range Road. The Commission would like the Planning Board as well as the owner to be aware of the historical significance of the house on this lot (c.1799). A copy of the New Hampshire Dept. of Historical Resources survey of this property will be given to the Planning Board. This survey describes the families and history that are a part of this house. It appears that the house will not be compromised and will continue to retain its historical integrity. This property is known as the "Sally Park" house and is associated with the Armstrong family, now the buildings of the Common Man Restaurant.

  2. 22-R-100, 150, 300 Mountain Homes subdivision "Settlers Ridge" off Range Road. This plan was previously reviewed on July 8 with no indication of stone walls on the property. This plan was resubmitted showing The Commission requests that stone wall boundaries from the old discontinued Spear Hill Road and Potash Roads be stacked aside on new lots for the new owners to use. Anywhere that stone walls can be left intact should be given consideration. The Commission is pleased that the new road is to be given the historically connected name "Senter".

  3. 25-R-602, 630, 675 and 802 "Fletcher Corner Estates" off Marblehead Road. The commission would like to have the stone wall between lots 849 and 850 left on the properties and any other stone walls left intact if possible. The Commission is pleased with the choice of historic names Fletcher Corner Estates and Corliss Road. However, the name Nesmith Road would be better used in the area northeast of Town Hall. As alternatives we would suggest the names Brick Mill Drive or Old Brickyard Road be considered.

  4. 13-D-70 Rt. 28 Minimart 57 Rockingham Road. No historic structures were noted

  5. 11-A-350 ATC site plan. The stone wall boundary shown on the plan is protected by RSA and must not be removed or altered.

Other plans reviewed during non-regularly scheduled meetings:

    June 10, 1999

      18-L-201 Star Vector, sporting goods store Range Road. When first reviewed, the Commission commented that the house had historic connections. On further evaluation it was determined that this was not the case. A letter of detraction was sent to the Planning Board. The Commission had no further comments.

      16-E-50 Lannon Subdivision Gaumont Road. No historic structures were noted. No comments were made.

      11-C-700 QSI site plan. No historic structures were noted. No comments were made

      16-D-20D and 24-F-2000 school additions. The Commission requests that photographic documentation be made and displayed/stored at the museum. Also that a plaque or sign be designed to be displayed indicating that this was the site of the original Center School. Before disposal of materials or furniture the Commission requests viewing of same to determine if any items should become museum pieces here in town.

      16-L-100 Fire station site plan: The commission requests that lighting, landscaping and signage be complimentary from site to site in this area.

      11-A-200 Sherwood Subdivision Phase 2. The Commission suggests that the paper roads Locksley and Yorkshire be re-named Jacobs Way and Evans Hill Road to recognize the first settler in this area (Jacob Evans c. 1810).

    July 26, 1999

      22-R-100, 150, 300 Mountain Homes subdivision. The plan as submitted is incomplete. A site walk of the lot has documented that there are stone walls not shown on the plan. The Commission requests a complete plan for further comments.

      11-C-3100 Sheffield Subdivision. 11-C-3100 does not show any stone walls. If any exist please retain where possible. 11-C-3101 has a stone wall bounding the east edge and notes a stone bound found. If this property is part of the subdivision the wall must be retained per RSA. If any foundations are found please advise the Commission so that we may document.

      8-B-5716 Blanchard subdivision "Laurel Oaks Estates". No stone walls are shown on this lot. However, the plan shows a stone foundation on lot 8-B-5715. The Commission wishes to be informed if this subdivision will infringe on this foundation. If stone walls are found on this property please intact where possible and notify the Commission of any foundations so that they may be documented.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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