JANUARY 14, 1999


  1. Comments on Bergeron subdivision, 32 Mammouth Road (14-A-900): the Commission requests that the proposed name "Cobblestone Road" be replaced with a name that reflects the history of the area. Suggestions are Marden (Soloman Marden settled there in 1827) or Blanchard, also an early settler. It is also requested that existing stone walls be retained wherever possible.
  2. Planning Director, Mr. Turner has asked the Commission to add suggestions to the proposed list of names for Windham roads and streets. Suggestions to be submitted are: Nutfield; Witch Hazel; Corliss; Tannery; Brickyard; Fletcher's Corner. The Commission would appreciate any information on the origin of the name "Fletcher's Corner" that townspeople might have!
  3. The Commission also feels that the name of the discontinued Dark Entry Schoolhouse Road not be lost when and if that area is developed


1999 Goals:

  1. The Commission will work with the museum trustees to nominate the Armstrong Building for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The nomination papers are being reviewed and a meeting between the groups will be arranged.
  2. The Commission will explore the reuse potential of the Bartley House and the Senior Center by evaluating strategies other towns have used, along with input from the New Hampshire Dept. of Historical Resources. C.Todisco will research the possibility of rental to private business. T.Furlong will contact the NHDHR and James Garvin regarding rental or other reuse suggestions.

Motion by T.Furlong to accept these goals, second by C.Pynn. Motion accepted unanimously.

C.Todisco has completed and turned in the 1998 Commission report for the Town Report.

The next meeting of the HDC will be February 11, 1999 at 4pm, Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman Windham Historic Distric Commission

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