NOVEMBER 12,1998

Present: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; C.Todisco; C.Webber
Excused: M.Stolz

REPP: The Commission on N.H. Land and Community Heritage has been established by the Rockingham Planning Commission with input from the Windham Historic District and Conservation Commissions and other communities from around the state. The HDC identified and mapped 64 archeological sites, vistas and structures to be included for priority protection in this statewide endeavor. The goal of this state commission is planning for the preservation of natural, cultural and historic resources in N.H. This is a first of its kind joining of the historic preservation community with environmental groups. The HDC working in its capacity as a Heritage Commission will be able to be very involved in this.


  1. Desjardins (lot 14-B-3200) Notation made that the house on the property is #74 on the historic resource list. Request that care be taken with the stone wall that runs through the middle of the property.
  2. Heights of West Windham (lot24-F-150) This subdivision involves discontinued Johnny Hill Road. This road has been used as a trail for many years. The Commission would like to see it preserved as a trail for historical value and recreational use. The Commission suggested that it be named "Johnny Hill Trail".
  3. St. Matthews: The Commission is of the opinion that the plan as presented was in too close a proximity to Searles wall.
  4. Fritschy (11-C-180) The Commission requested that the stone walls shown on the plan be left intact if possible.
  5. Whispering Winds Adult Community: The Commission did not comment on this plan as there was not a quorum for an October meeting.

MASTER PLAN REVIEW: Bernie Rouillard from the Master Plan subcommittee gave the Commission a draft copy of the proposed Conservation/Historic chapter. Each member has been given a copy to review and comments will be given to Mr. Rouillard within one week.

ABBOTT BRIDGE IN PELHAM:This bridge has been rebuilt by the N.H. Bureau of Bridges and has recently reopened. The Bureau worked with the N.H. Department of Historical Resources and the town of Pelham to ensure that a sensitive job was done. It's interesting to note that the approach rails are the same as the Collins Brook Bridge on Cobbetts Pond Road here in town. Looks like Windham has started a precedent! The Abbott Bridge is the oldest double arch bridge in N.H. and is on the Historic Bridge List.

ARMSTRONG BUILDING: Motion made by C.Pynn and seconded by C.Todisco to persue listing the Armstrong Building on the National Register of Historic Places. Motion passed unanimously. Most of the research for this has already been completed by the NHDHR during the 1993 survey for the Dept. of Transportation. Register listing recognizes that a property makes an important contribution to a community's cultural heritage based on its historical or architectural significance. The museum trustees will be contacted.

SEARLES BUILDING: The dead tree in front of the school is an eyesore as well as a danger. In conversation with D. Sullivan on November 12, an agreement was made to have Bob Devlin remove the tree immediately. Motion made by W.Bailey, seconded by T.Furlong to have Al Barlow of property maintenance evaluate the exterior of the building for maintenance this year. Paint is needed and the roof slates are in need of repair/replacement. Motion passed. Comment was also made that the portable toilet in the parking lot would be an esthetic deterrent to a prospective renter. Suggestion made that fencing of some sort be installed to hide this outbuilding during its short stay in the fall. Recreation will be contacted regarding this.

OTHER BUSINESS: The NHDHR will be again notified that Windham has a Heritage Commission. The Town Hall has been booked for the second Thursday of each month at 4pm for HDC meetings. The Commission agrees that the new railing at Town Hall entrance should be secured into the granite steps. Minutes of July 16 and August 14 1998 read and accepted 4-0.

The next meeting of the Historic District Commission will be December 10,1998 4pm Town Hall. These minutes are in draft form and have not yet been accepted by the Commission.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman Windham Historic Distric Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the HDC.


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