Present: W. Bailey; C. Pynn; P. Schenna: M. Stolz; C. Webber
Excused: T. Furlong; C. Todisco

1. CIP: C.Pynn Attended CIP meeting on September 2 to request that Senior Center and the Bartley House (Building Dept.) both be included in CIP funding for year 2000. Both of these buildings are in need of repair because maintenance on them has been neglected for so long. Last year's CIP request , based on 1995 estimates, was denied. The year 2000 request has added 20% to the 1995 estimates setting the monies requested at $47,000 for the Senior Center and $68,750 for the Bartley House. The repairs needed are based on a thorough study by Jim Garvin, State Architectural Historian and JSN Associates. Mr.Garvin stresses that these buildings could not only have many more years of useful life but also that they add greatly to the character of the Historic Civic Center. The Stewardship Program and the 1985 Master Plan both speak to the preservation of these buildings. Also discussed was the possibility of renting the Bartley House to a private individual or company that would undertake restoration in lieu of rent. It was suggested that money in the maintenance fund be used for repairs to the Senior Center. P.Schenna will develop a more specific cost estimate to address these requests for presentation at an upcoming CIP meeting.

2. HISTORIC RESOURCE LIST: This lengthy project is now in draft form and is nearing completion. The list has been separated into two parts: 18th, 19th, and Early 20th Century Buildings and Archeological Sites and Structures. Both lists are arranged by tax map numbers and each item contains a brief description . The lists will be put onto town maps by number. Mr. Thorndike is reviewing for any corrections. The completed lists will then become part of the Master Plan and can be used by the Planning Board when development plans come before them. Thanks to Wendy Devlin at the Town Hall for her invaluable help in organizing the lists.

3. STATUS OF HOUSE BILL 395 (the Barn Bill)
This bill would help the owners of historic barns in their preservation efforts. The bill as originally proposed would create a two year pilot program for matching grants from the state to help repair these irreplaceable buildings. At the end of two years an advisory committee would decide if this program should become permanent. Unfortunately, at the May 25th House Session the Bill was amended to exclude state funding. It did however establish a non-lapsing fund "The Barn Preservation Fund" whereby the State Division of Historic Resources is authorized to accept public and private donations. This money will be awarded to eligible applicant owners of historic barns in need of repair. The owner would match the grant in money, time, and/or materials. The Commission was made aware of this bill through discussions with the owner of an historic barn here in town. This 18th century post and beam barn meets all the stringent criteria required for application to this program and is badly in need of repair/restoration. The Commission will be working with the owner for grant acceptance once the program is in place.

4. The Commission read a memorial to Ray Barlow, Windham's own Sandwich Glass expert. The memorial was published in "Unravel the Gavel" an antiques newspaper. It speaks at length about Ray's knowledge of Sandwich Glass and his willingness to share this knowledge with everyone through lectures, appraisals and writings. Ray had a great following and will be sorely missed.

5. Discussion was held regarding the difficulty of recruiting new members for this commission. Motion was made by C. Webber and seconded by M. Stolz to explore the possibility of moving membership from a seven to a five member board through attrition. Also to appoint an alternate. Motion passed 4-0. This inquiry will be submitted to the Planning Board.

6. Discussion was held regarding asking the Town vote to designate the John Simpson cellar foundation on Marblehead Road as an historic district. This area is on town land. Motion by C. Pynn and seconded by P. Schenna to explore the possibility of this being a ballot question at Town Meeting.

The Commission will request that David Sullivan order a copy of "2000 Edition" Land Use RSA Books.

The next meeting of the HDC/Heritage Commission will be on October 21, 4pm at Town Hall. This is one week later than usual.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.


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