JUNE 11, 1998

Present: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; M.Stoltz; C.Webber; C.Todisco Guest: Bernard Rouillard, Master Plan Subcommittee

Master Plan: Mr. Rouillard was present to discuss the Conservation/Historic Preservation chapter update of the master plan. All chapters are in the process of being updated and streamlined to reduce bulk, but will have appendices for specific detail when needed. Windham's historic reference lists and historical text will be appendices and as such are considered "living, ongoing things". Mission statements and goals will be the major part of the new text. Suggestions made were: effective use of BOCA code 3406.1 regarding special building codes for historic buildings; researching tax incentives for re-use of historic buildings in commercial areas; researching current use legislation; now that the Heritage Commission is part of site plan review, it is apparent that a flagging system must be instituted to alert the Planning Department when a historically sensitive area is involved in development. The draft should be ready for review in July and submitted in final form in the fall. Mr. Rouillard will inform the HDC when a review date should be set.

CIP: Letter received from Chairman McMahon stating that CIP item requests must be received by July 17. HDC submittal will be for structural maintenance for buildings in the historic districts.

Museum Trustees: These positions must be advertised and filled to enable the museum to become functional. C.Webber will discuss the mechanics of this with David Sullivan so that the town may proceed.

Board Appointments: Tom Furlong and Mim Stoltz have both been reappointed. The Commission is still short one member and wishes that anyone who is interested in serving on the board please contact David Sullivan. The commission meets on the second Thursday of the month with the exception of July and August. If you have an interest in Windham's "history as its future" and are interested in serving on a town board, please consider the Historic District Commission.

OLD BUSINESS: Armstrong Building community facilities review has been submitted as requested. The HDC feels that this building will serve the needs of the community for the next ten years.

Castle Reach Subdivision: Comments have been submitted to the planning board. The commission is hopeful that compromises can be made regarding preservation in this historically sensitive area. Of particular concern are two cellar foundations and numerous stone walls. The suggestion was also made to change the proposed street names to reflect the early settlers of the area ( change to Bahan Road and Jenny's Hill Road). W.Bailey will attend the public hearing when these areas of concern are presented.

REPP: Windham map and inventory list has been turned in to the Rockingham Planning Commission. The inventory of historical resources includes fifty five sites that will be used as part of a statewide plan to develop regional priorities for protection of historical, cultural and natural resources.

Plantings at Senior Center: C.Pynn will ask the NHDHR for advice in choosing historically appropriate plants to plant along the ramp.

The next scheduled meeting of the Historic District Commission will be September 10, 1998. Meetings may be called in July or August if urgent business dictates.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman Windham Historic Distric Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the HDC.


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