Historic District Commission /Heritage Commission

 Minutes of August 14, 2003 

Present:  T. Furlong, C. Pynn, P. Schena, and G. Stearns

1. Review and approval of June minutes

T. Furlong made a motion to accept the June minutes.  C. Pynn seconded the motion.  The June minutes were accepted by unanimous vote. 

2. Windham Depot District preservation study

P. Schena reported to the Commission on his discussions with the NHDHR and the Preservation Alliance concerning funding sources for a preservation study for the Windham Depot.  Specifically, he noted that the NHDHR discouraged applications for studies under the Conservation (Moose) Plate grant program, preferring projects with more demonstrable impacts.  As an alternative, the NHDHR recommended the NH Preservation Alliance as a possible source of study grants.  P. Schena further reported that he contacted the Alliance and spoke to its Executive Director Jennifer Goodman, who advised that the Alliance had a program of small project development grants that might be appropriate to fund a project whose objective is a preservation study.  She agreed to send program information and application materials. 

Further to the Windham Depot, and with reference to the Commission’s interest in resolving the disposition of property rights in the District, G. Stearns agreed to request that the HDC be placed on the agenda of an upcoming Board of Selectmen (BOS) meeting to discuss the Depot. 

3. Senior Center and Landscaping

P. Schena noted that Barbara Coish of the Senior Center reported on some landscaping projects.  Items included specifically the removal of a large stump on N. Lowell Rd and the removal of overgrowth in the rear of the building.  Commission members expressed no concerns with either project. 

In conjunction with the former (the stump), the commission also understood that a parking space might be added in the vacated area.  Commission members expressed disapproval with adding parking in that area.  Furthermore, G. Stearns reported that the BOS had not approved of a new parking space on Lowell Rd. 

C. Pynn noted that a recent issue of the “Windham Independent” reported that the “HDC approval” of the Senior Center addition project.  P. Schena noted that he had spoken to Barbara Coish, who clearly understood that no such approval had been granted and, in fact, that no certificate application had been submitted.  Ms. Coish also explained that she was aware of the application process.  After further discussion of this matter, the Commission agreed to clarify in these minutes that no formal action has to date been taken by the HDC concerning the proposed Senior Center addition project. 

After a short site walk, members of the HDC also noted the presence of a stone retaining wall on the Senior Center site, which had not appeared in previous renderings of the proposed addition.  The Commission agreed to address the disposition of the wall with representatives of the Senior Center. 

4. Bartley House Stairs

The Commission discussed the condition of the Bartley House entry stairs on which granite veneer had been installed.  The Commission noted, based on its prior understanding, that, in addition to stair treads, the stairs would be completely veneered.  G. Stearns reported that it was the builder’s intention only to veneer the treads and that this resulted in a misunderstanding between the builder and the town.  G. Stearns also reported that the BOS has not approved additional funding to completely veneer the stairs.  The Commission agreed to revisit this matter at its September meeting. 

5. Historic markers program

P. Schena reported on his recent acquaintance with the State Historic Register Program and its application.  He noted that the form and substance of the application would suit the recently approved town Historic Marker Program.  With the Commission’s concurrence, he agreed to develop an application form for the Historic Markers program based on that of the State Historic Register and to contact sign makers regarding pricing for signage. 

6. Simpson Cellar Hole

P. Schena agreed to contact T. Furlong to meet to do site maintenance. 

7.  Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

C. Pynn expressed concern with the reopening and, importantly, widening of discontinued roads.

C. Pynn also noted that the HDC’s website was inaccessible after the launch of the town’s new website.  P. Schena agreed to contact D. Sullivan’s office to request that the HDC’s web pages be incorporated into the new town website. 

8. Review of plan/project submissions

The Commission reviewed the Castle Reach – Phase III project and prepared remarks for submission to the Planning and Zoning Board. 

There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted, 

Patrick J, Schena, Chairman, Windham Historic District Commission

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