Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission

Minutes of June 12, 2003


Present:  T. Furlong, C. Pynn, and P. Schena

1. Review and approval of May minutes

T. Furlong made a motion to accept the May minutes.  C. Pynn seconded the motion.  The May minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

2. Windham Depot District preservation study

As a follow-up to the Commission’s May meeting, P. Schena reported on his conversation with Scott Bogle of the Rockingham Planning Commission concerning an application for federal funding for a preservation study of the depot area.  Specifically, P. Schena reported that, while Mr. Bogle encouraged such a submission as part of the larger “rails-to-trails” initiative, he cautioned that, even if successful, funding for a study would likely not be available for several years.  Mr. Bogle suggested instead that, at this time, alternative sources of funds be sought for a more timely preservation study, thus allowing the depot project to participate in follow-on applications for federal construction funding under the rails-to-trails project.  Mr. Bogle further suggested the Commission speak to a preservationist (noting in particular Lynne Monroe) regarding the nature and costs of a preservation study.

P. Schena contacted Ms. Monroe and reported on that conversation to the Commission.  Concerning that discussion, P. Schena noted that, according to Ms. Monroe, a study including a site overview and analysis and project tasks and timeline could be undertaken for approximately $5,000 to $10,000.

Finally, and also further to the Commission’s May meeting, P. Schena discussed a proposed draft letter to the town Board of Selectmen (BOS) to request that the BOS seek ownership of the depot property from the state.  In reviewing the contents of the draft letter, P. Schena raised the question whether town ownership of the site was actually required.  Commission members agreed to formally introduce this matter to the BOS and asked P. Schena to contact D. Sullivan to be placed on the BOS’ June 20 agenda to discuss the disposition of the depot site.  P. Schena agreed to do so and further to hold the draft letter until meeting with the BOS.

3. Historic markers program

P. Schena reviewed final details of the proposed Historic Markers Program to be administered by the Heritage Commission.  (The proposal is attached hereto and made a part herewith.)  C. Pynn made a motion to accept the historic markers proposal.  T. Furlong seconded the motion.  The proposal was accepted by unanimous vote.

As next steps, P. Schena agreed to develop an application form for the program and to contact sign makers regarding pricing for signage.

4. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

The Commission discussed its summer meeting schedule and agreed not to hold a pre-scheduled meeting in July, but rather to schedule a July meeting in accordance with the needs of the public.

5. Review of plan/project submissions

The Commission reviewed the Jamieson (5B400, 450) and Cristy Road projects and prepared remarks on each for submission to the Planning and Zoning Board.

There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick J, Schena, Chairman, Windham Historic District Commission