APRIL 10, 2003

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, M. Stoltz, and P. Schena

  1. Review and approval March minutes

    T. Furlong made a motion to accept the March minutes. M. Stoltz seconded the motion. The March minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Historic markers program

    Regarding the proposed historic markers program, P. Schena advised Commission members that he had not as yet received comments from D. Sullivan and A. Turner.

  3. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    P. Schena advised the Commission, based on a correspondence from D. Sullivan, that Galen Stearns would be the new representative member of the Commission from the Board of Selectman. His alternate would be Roger Hohenberger.

    P. Schena discussed a correspondence from and phone conversation with a representative of the Fox Crossing project concerning the use of the name "Taylor Farm Road" for a proposed new road in the vicinity of Taylor Farm. The Commission tentatively agreed to support use of the name for the proposed road and further agreed to revisit the matter after receipt of the final plans for the project.

    P. Schena reported on the interest of a local boy scout, Aron Foster, in Commission-related community service projects. The Commission discussed several possibilities, including projects in the Depot area. Carolyn Webber, who attended the meeting, expressed her support for recommendations for projects related to repair of the Windham Depot buildings. As next steps, P. Schena agreed to contact Mr. Foster to discuss such projects and to invite him to attended the Commission's May meeting.

  4. Review of plan/project submissions

    There were no project submissions to the Commission for consideration at the meeting.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted in draft form,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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