MARCH 13, 2003

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, and P. Schena

  1. Review and approval February minutes

    T. Furlong made a motion to accept the February minutes. C. Pynn seconded the motion. The February minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Report on historic markers program

    Regarding the proposed historic markers program, P. Schena advised Commission members that he had prepared a memo outlining a framework for the program as discussed by the Commission and sent it to D. Sullivan and A. Turner for review and comment. He agreed to relay the feedback from these correspondences to the Commission once it became available.

  3. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    P. Schena noted mailings from the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance concerning preservation award nominations and membership, which he agreed to take up with D. Sullivan.

    C. Pynn reported that she had contacted the NH Department of Transportation concerning a reference to Windham artifacts in the DOT's Environmental Impact Study for the I93 project. She noted that, according to the DOT, the artifacts belong to the State of New Hampshire, because they were located in the right-of-way. She further noted that the artifacts could be loaned to the town for local viewing.

  4. Review of plan/project submissions

    The Commission reviewed the Windham Animal Hospital Addition (8-B-4400) and St. Matthew Parish Center Expansion (13-A-300) projects. P. Schena recused himself from the latter project. The Commission had no comments relative to its purview on either project.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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