FEBRUARY 12, 2003

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, and P. Schena

  1. Review and approval January minutes

    T. Furlong made a motion to accept the January minutes. C. Pynn seconded the motion. The January minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Presentation by Jon Wain concerning Eagle Scout project to restore Town Pound

    Jon Wain, a Windham Boy Scout, attended the meeting and to discuss a project to restore the Town Pound in partial fulfillment of his Eagle Scout requirements. Mr. Wain made an excellent presentation, distributing pictures of pound restorations in area communities and providing details of his proposed project, including the project's management, possible repairs, signage, etc.

    The Commission encouraged Mr. Wain to continue in his efforts and asked that he return with a written plan for formal consideration and approval. T. Furlong recommended that Mr. Wain also consult with B. Devlin regarding previous clean-up work in the Pound. T. Furlong also offered his assistance on the project.

  3. Report on historic markers program

    P. Schena agreed to finalize the Commission's previous draft outline for a Historic Markers Program and to forward it to A. Turner for review and comment.

  4. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    P. Schena presented correspondences from J. Mangan regarding the work of the neighborhood group in the Windham Depot area concerning the Rockingham Recreational Trail.

    C. Pynn recalled a reference to Windham artifacts in the NH Department of Transportation's Environmental Impact Study for the I93 project and suggested contacting the DOT for further information. P. Schena agreed to review the Study for further details and confer with C. Pynn as to next steps.

    P. Schena reported that C. Doyle resigned his position on the Historic District Commission. P. Schena further reported that he had contacted D. Sullivan on the matter and that Mr. Sullivan agreed to consult with the Board of Selectmen regarding a replacement BOS representative on the Commission and advise accordingly.

    The Commission agreed to return to its regular schedule in March, meeting on the second Thursday of the month.

  5. Review of plan/project submissions

    The Commission reviewed the Spruce Pond (3-B-375, 600, 650, 800, 890, 900, 1200, etc.), Whispering Winds-Phase II (19-A-800/801), and Butterfield Estates (6-C-100, 800, 2000, 2000A, 2000B, 2500, and 2500A) projects and prepared remarks for submission to the Planning and Zoning Board.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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