OCTOBER 9, 2002

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, M. Stoltz, and P. Schena

  1. Review and approval September minutes

    T. Furlong made a motion to accept the September minutes corrected for date and spelling errors. M. Stoltz seconded the motion. The corrected September minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Windham Depot historic district considerations

    P. Schena read a correspondence from George Bald, Commissioner of the State of New Hampshire's Department of Resources and Economic Development. M. Samsel, a resident of the Windham Depot area, updated the Commission on recent activities by the neighborhood group. P. Schena reviewed the results of various inquiries made regarding establishing a Windham Depot historic district. Specifically he noted that the State of New Hampshire, as a property holder in a historic district, would not be bound by rulings of the HDC. The Commission agreed to proceed with establishing a historic district in the Depot area and asked P. Schena to report back at its next meeting on procedural issues and necessary next steps.

  3. Follow-up to I 93 project and impact on historic properties

    P. Schena delivered to the Commission the NH DOT's Draft Environmental Impact State on the I 93 Project and discussed features of the statement relevant to effected Windham historic assets. An error, referencing the "Searles Castle Historic District", was noted in the document. P. Schena was asked to report this error to the DOT. He furthermore agreed to provide copies of relevant local history sections to Commission members.

  4. Discussion of acquisition of historic vistas

    P. Schena reviewed a letter from A. Turner of the Planning Office to the Conservation Commission concerning the protection of historic farms and open space on Range Rd. Commission members expressed their support with the contents of the letter.

    T. Furlong made a motion that the HDC send a letter to the Conservation Commission in support of the acquiring land to preserve historic open spaces, offering HDC assistance toward this objective, and proposing a joint working session to discuss the matter. C. Pynn seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by unanimous vote. P. Schena agreed to write and deliver the letter to the Conservation Commission.

  5. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    The following issues were also addressed at the meeting:

    P. Schena provided an update on the Searles School LCHIP grant application, noting that he had reviewed the final submitted application prepared by D. Sullivan.

    Concerning the Castle Hill Bridge, P. Schena reported that D. Sullivan agreed to advise the HDC of new developments, specifically those related to the proposed engineering study of the Bridge.

    P. Schena noted required follow-ups on: 1) the Commission's request that the Town Hall door be painted and 2) the Commission's draft revised HDC Ordinance sent to the Planning Board in July. He agreed to follow-up on both.

    C. Pynn requested that P. Schena also follow-up with A. Turner concerning HDC street name recommendations for the Spruce Pond development.

    C. Pynn also requested that P. Schena include lot numbers on references to reviewed plans in the Commission's minutes. He agreed to do so.

    The Commission agreed to place on the agenda of its next meeting discussions of 1) the previously considered historic marker program and 2) the preservation of Indian Rock.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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