JULY 11, 2002

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, M. Stoltz, and P. Schena

  1. Review and approval June minutes

    T. Furlong made a motion to accept the June minutes. C. Pynn seconded the motion. The June minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Follow-up to I 93 project and impact on historic properties

    P. Schena reviewed for the Commission the course of a recent meeting and communication with the NH Department of Transportation regarding the proposed I 93 project and its impact of historic properties in Windham. In this context he distributed the state's currently proposed plan, as well as documents developed and provided by the state on historic mitigation required as a result of the proposed project. These include the two former Armstrong houses and barn that constitute the current Common Man site, the Dinsmore (stone) house on Rt. 111, and Indian Rock. He noted a willingness on the part of DOT representatives to discuss historic mitigation matters constructively. He further noted the DOT's timetable to finalize its plan by the end of August, 2002 and the time-sensitive requirement to formulate comments and recommendations to the DOT.

    All members of the Commission expressed their continuing concern with the time-sensitive need to formulate a unified, coherent response to the state's plan. P. Schena was asked to contact the town's Board of Selectmen to request a meeting to discuss how the Commission might proceed on this matter jointly with the Board and other town boards and commissions.

  3. Review draft of proposed Ordinance amendments

    P. Schena reported on the Commission workshop meeting with the Planning Board held on June 26. The meeting was scheduled to discuss the Commission's concerns about the use of synthetic materials in historic districts. P. Schena explained the Planning Board's request that the Commission revise the Historic District Ordinance to reflect all proposed changes and submit a draft to the Board for review by mid-July. Based on materials discussed at the meeting, P. Schena prepared a draft revised Ordinance. He explained the specific changes contained in the draft, distributed it for review by the Commission's members, and requested that comments on the revised document be returned to him promptly in order to comply with the Board's request as to timing.

  4. Historic marker program

    At its June 13, 2002 meeting, the Commission agreed to study the establishment of a historic marker program in Windham. P. Schena reported on his investigation into this matter. He explained that materials forwarded by the state suggested that a plan to formerly mark historic asset to be successful should include: 1) clear program objectives, 2) a governing or project review body, 3) clear requirements and approval criteria, 4) marker design and cost parameters, and 5) funding sources for the program. C. Pynn suggested the Commission continue to study the establishment of a formal marker program. She further suggested the Commission review the prior experience of the town in marking historic assets. The Commission agreed to return this matter to its agenda in future meetings.

  5. Follow-up to road name proposals presented by Mr. Brian Harvey

    In response to an inquiry from Mr. Brian Harvey regarding recommendations for road names in the Spruce Pond area, the Commission proposed the following names:
    • Duston Road
    • Moses Duston Road
    • Northland Road
    • Northland Farm Road
    • Clyde or Cloyd Farm Road
    • Ripley Road
    • Ripley Farm Road

    The Commission strongly suggested against the use of Clydesdale.

    P. Schena was asked to communicate these recommendations to Mr. Harvey.

  6. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    C. Pynn noted that she had been informed of the removal of a dead tree in the Town Center Historic District in front of the Town Hall building. The Commission discussed removal of the tree and agreed that the tree should have indeed been removed.

  7. Review of plan/project submissions

    The Commission reviewed the Stolarz Subdivision and Castle Reach Phase II projects and prepared remarks on each for submission to the Planning and Zoning Board.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

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