JUNE 13, 2002

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, M. Stoltz, and P. Schena

Also attending the meeting were Mr. Paul MacCallum of the New Hampshire ATV Club and Mr. Brian Harvey of H&B Homes, the developer of the Carr Hill Road and "Hadleigh Woods" sites.

  1. Review and approval May minutes

    C. Pynn made a motion to accept the May minutes. T. Furlong seconded the motion. The May minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. 2. Paul MacCallum New Hampshire ATV concerning Windham Depot site

    Mr. MacCallum introduced himself and the NH ATV Club and provided the HDC with an overview of recent meetings between the Club and town officials. He explained that the Club had taken the initiative to address a number of issues raised by neighbors and others concerning the Rockingham County Recreational Trail, which is accessible from Windham Depot. Among the issues he raised were trash pick-up, noise, dust, and policing and law enforcement.

    Mr. MacCallum explained that it was the Club's desire to assist in the provision of services along the trail, including providing safety and other information and support services. In meeting with the Heritage Commission, he addressed the maintenance of the Depot buildings and suggested specifically that the Club would be receptive to painting the building if the town would provide materials. He further suggested that the Club may also be receptive to manning Depot buildings that were repurposed to support trail functions. Lastly, he invited the members of the Commission to attend the 18 June, 2002 general meeting of the Club.

    The Commission thanked Mr. MacCallum for his presentation, noted that it was the Commission's desire to preserve and restore the Depot buildings, and stressed its continuing interest to work with all responsible parties - public and private - to protect and enhance the Depot site.

    P. Schena noted that the HDC had been invited by the town Board of Selectmen to a site visit and public meeting concerning the Depot and the ATV Club's proposals. He then read the formal letter of invitation at the meeting.

  3. Mr. Brian Harvey regarding:
    1. Carr Hill Rd area historic marker for cistern

      Mr. Brian Harvey of H&B Homes attended the HDC meeting to discuss two issues. The first related to the installation of a marker to indicate the location of what is believed to have been the last remaining exposed cistern in Windham. The cistern was filled during development of the Carr Hill Rd. site. Mr. Harvey was receptive to installing a marker in the right of way along the road beneath which the cistern lay. He requested that the Commission recommend a design for the marker and provide information about pricing among other criteria. The Commission agreed to research historic marker programs and make recommendations to Mr. Harvey.

    2. "Hadleigh Woods" road names (in response to Planning Board request)

      In response to a request by the Planning Board, Mr. Harvey also discussed progress on names for road in the "Hadleigh Woods" site. Mr. Harvey explained that there are three roads (one public, two private) on the site that had been provisionally named respectively Flatrock Road, Hadleigh Road, and Blackburn Road. Based on this input and after some discussion, T. Furlong made a motion to accept the names as presented. M. Stoltz seconded the motion, which carried on a three to one vote. C. Pynn dissented on this voted. Ms. Pynn voiced particular concern with the name Hadleigh Woods being used either for a road or the entire site because the name has no apparent historic significance to the site or to the town.

  4. Follow-up to I 93 project and impact on historic properties

    P. Schena reported that, as agreed, he had contacted the NH Department of Transportation to request an information briefing on the status of the I 93 expansion project with specific reference to the possible disposition of historic properties that may be situated within the proposed expansion site. P. Schena explained that he spoke to Mr. Bill Cass, a project manager on the I 93 project with the NH DOT, who explained the status and current timetable of the project. P. Schena further noted that Mr. Cass mentioned that the DOT would hold a public briefing on the project on 1 July, 2002 at the Windham Center School. Mr. Cass suggested a meeting at that time. P. Schena in turn suggested a specific meeting time of 4:30 PM during the 4:00 to 7:00 PM informal review period. The Commission members agreed on the 4:30 meeting time and asked P. Schena to confirm the meeting with Mr. Cass.

  5. Follow-up on use of synthetic siding materials in historic districts

    P. Schena reported that, as requested by the Commission, he contacted the Planning Board to determine how best to address the synthetic siding issue with the Board. He reported that the reply from A. Turner suggested a request to be placed on the agenda of the Board's next scheduled meeting. The Commission agreed to solidify its views on this issue at its 11 July meeting and then request to meet with the Planning Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting.

  6. Letter to Planning Board regarding handling of Kiddie Academy remarks

    As agreed at the Commission's May meeting, P. Schena drafted a letter to the Planning Board concerning the Board's timely review of the Commission's comments regarding the proposed Kiddie Academy project at the former West Windham Depot site. M. Stoltz made a motion to accept the letter as written and to forward it to the Planning Board. T. Furlong seconded the motion. The motion on the letter was accepted by unanimous vote.

  7. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues and follow-up on other matters previously discussed:

    1. Report on Castle Hill Rd Bridge project

      P. Schena reported on a site visit he made with C. Pynn to the Castle Hill Rd. bridge and on subsequent discussions concerning the site he held with D. Sullivan.

      P. Schena noted that the bridge spans Beaver Brook and that there are 2 culverts under the bridge. He noted that according to D. Sullivan, the bridge has been repaired several times since the early 1970's and while precise ownership of the bridge is in question, Windham and Pelham have for many years accepted de facto joint responsibility for its repair. Also according to D. Sullivan, there has been recent action (in the form of a warrant on the latest town ballot) to sponsor an engineering study made necessary by the State placing the bridge on its so-called red list (structures that no longer meet State safety and other standards). The study will be jointly funded by Windham and Pelham. P. Schena further reported that D. Sullivan noted that the engineering study would likely confirm or otherwise address the historic relevance, if any, of the bridge, but that no construction would likely take place for several years.

    2. HDC summer meeting schedule

      As has been its custom, the HDC agreed not to meet in August except in accordance with the needs of the public. Therefore, after its meeting on 11 July, the Commission's next regularly scheduled meeting will be held the second Thursday in September.

  8. Review of plan/project submissions

    The Commission reviewed the Rodgers Service Collision Station plan and had no substantive remarks.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Windham Historic District Commission

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