MARCH 14, 2002

Present: T. Furlong, C. Pynn, and P. Schena

Review and approval February minutes:

T. Furlong made a motion to accept the February minutes. C. Pynn seconded the motion. The February minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

Update on Searles School Grant Application

P. Schena provided an update to the Commission on the Searles School LCHIP grant application, explaining that he had spoken with LCHIP representatives and that the grant was not approved. He further explained that the town was encouraged to submit an application for the next round of grants to begin in May. P. Schena explained that he requested that he be put on an e-mail notification list to be informed precisely when the next grant round would begin.

Update on Simpson Cellar Hole project

P. Schena informed the Commission that he had been contacted by Kevin Cole to formally authorize the Eagle Scout's clean-up project of the Simpson Cellar Hole, previously approved by the Commission.

Update on the use of synthetic siding materials in historic districts

P. Schena reported to the Commission concerning the use of synthetic materials in historic districts, that he had conducted some preliminary research, noting that he had contacted LCHIP and reviewed historic district materials from Cambridge, MA. However, because he had insufficient information to report on, he suggested deferring a detailed discussion on this matter until the next meeting. Commission members agreed to place this issue on the agenda of the Commission's next scheduled meeting.

Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

P. Schena reported to Commission members of a correspondence received from the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance concerning an upcoming conference.

P. Schena also reported that the Commission had received a correspondence from David Sullivan providing notice that the appointments of C. Pynn and himself would expire in June, 2002. Both expressed interest in continuing to participate in the work of the Commission. P. Schena agreed to notify D. Sullivan of the interest of both. C. Pynn agreed to write to D. Sullivan independently regarding her reappointment.

C. Pynn raised with the Commission her concern with the State of New Hampshire's continuing use of the name "Canobie Lake Rd" for that section of Range Rd from the Searles School to Rt. 28 on maps related to the proposed Rt. 111 By-pass. She noted that this section of roadway was in fact Range Rd. T. Furlong agreed with this assessment. The Commission agreed to contact D. Sullivan for further clarification concerning this matter.

C. Pynn also raised concern with the Commission of the impact of the proposed I93 project on the Common Man restaurant and its related properties, several of which, she pointed out, qualify for the National Register. The Commission discussed possible actions on its part, including contacting the NH Department of Transportation for an update on the status of the project and/or requesting a meeting.

Review of plan/project submissions

There were no plans or projects presented to the Commission for review at this meeting.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

These minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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