JULY 26, 2001

Present: W. Bailey, T. Fulong, C. Pynn, P. Schena, and C. Webber

  1. Review and approval June minutes

    W. Bailey made a motion to accept the June Minutes as written. C. Webber seconded the motion. The June Minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Town of Windham Storage Vault Replacement Application

    D. Sullivan, Windham Town Administrator, made a presentation to the Commission on behalf of the Town of Windham pursuant to the Town's application for the replacement of its Storage Vault located behind the Town Hall. Mr. Sullivan noted that the existing vault is insufficient to house the increasing volume of records required. He explained that the existing block structure would be removed in favor of a prefabricated, climate-controlled, concrete structure. Member discussion and questioning centered on the esthetic impact of the larger, new structure on the historic district. Mr. Sullivan explained that efforts would be made 1) to preserve or replace shrubs that currently mask the existing vault and 2) subject to available funding, to strap and place siding on the exposed sides of the new vault facing North Lowell Road and the Armstrong building.

    C. Pynn made a motion to accept the Town's application with the following conditions: 1) the exposed side of the new structure that faces North Lowell Road must be strapped and sided to match the Town Hall and 2) the existing shrubs must be preserved or replaced and, as required, augmented in order particularly to maintain the height of plant materials located at the ends of each side of the structure facing North Lowell Road. C. Webber seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by unanimous vote.

  3. Report on HDC ordinance

    D. Sullivan also reported on his research into the HDC Ordinance. He noted that he expected to complete that investigation and would forward documented changes to the Ordinance to the Commission prior to its next scheduled meeting in September.

  4. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    1. Union Hall Landscaping
      It came to the attention of the Commission that landscape work had been done on the site of the Union Hall in West Windham, a historic district. Mr. Dan Buckless and Ms. Arlene Spaulding representing the Neighborhood Club attended the Commission meeting to discuss the work done. They explained that work included seeding and planting, grading, and the construction of a short, flat stone, retaining wall for landscape purposes. Members of the Commission raised questions related to the appropriateness of the work done and explained that the Union Hall was in a historic district and required Commission approval for certain modifications to the exterior of the property.

    2. Capital Improvement Plan

      The Commission discussed the schedule for changes to the Town's Capital Improvement Plan and decided not propose changes to the Plan.

    3. LCHIP Application

      The Commission discussed submitting an application to the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) for a Land and Community Investment Program grant to continue restoration/replacement of windows at the Searles School. P. Schena agreed to contact the RPC and D. Sullivan, regarding the application procedure and, as required, initiate the application process.

  5. Review of plan/project submissions

    There were no plans or projects presented to the Commission for review at this meeting.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

Approved September 13, 2001

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