JUNE 14, 2001

Present: W. Bailey, C. Pynn, P. Schena, and C. Webber

  1. Review and approval May minutes

    W. Bailey made a motion to accept the May Minutes as written. C. Webber seconded the motion. The May Minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

  2. Town of Windham Storage Vault Replacement Application

    D. Sullivan, Windham Town Administrator, requested that the Commission's hearing on the Town of Windham's proposed Storage Vault project be postponed. The Commission agreed to discuss a date to reschedule the hearing. For further details on this matter, see "Summer meeting schedule" below.

  3. Presentation by Windham Presbyterian Church

    Mr. Dennis Meirs, an architect representing the Windham Presbyterian Church, made a presentation to the Commission of design ideas related to a proposed expansion of the Church. His presentation included both drawings and photographs. Mr. Meirs was accompanied by several members of the Church's Building Committee.

    Mr. Meirs described the project as consisting of two phases. He explained that the existing sanctuary and existing meeting hall/education building would be retained in their current footprint. In Phase I an addition, parallel to North Lowell Road, would be built behind the existing sanctuary. The addition would feature a glass-enclosed gable end facing away from the Town Center. Also in Phase I a smaller structure would be built to the rear of the sanctuary connecting the meeting hall/education building with the addition. Finally, in Phase I the end of the existing meeting hall/education building facing Church Street would be redesigned to include a structure featuring bay windows. In Phase II, the gable end of the addition would be redesigned to include a rear entrance.

    Mr. Meirs responded to various questions and issues posed by members of the Commission. To questions posed by C. Webber, Mr. Meirs confirmed that there would be no second floor added to the meeting hall/education building. He further noted that the ridgeline of the proposed addition would be 8 to 10 feet below that of the sanctuary. He also clarified that the structure housing the bay windows on the Church Street side of the meeting hall/education building would extend the building toward the road by 10 feet. To questions posed by C. Pynn, Mr. Meirs explained that the foundation under the new structures would be poured concrete with approximately 8 inches of exposed surface above ground level. He further noted that site preparation would yield 85 parking spaces. Subject to available budget, he expected that the parking area would be paved. To questions posed by P. Schena, Mr. Meirs explained that the design of the new structures would include architectural details featured in the existing sanctuary. He confirmed that all new structures would be finished in clapboards of a fiber cement construction and that the existing meeting hall/education building would also be refinished in similar clapboards. He noted that the proposed addition along North Lowell Road would be set back from the side of the sanctuary by approximately 4 feet. Finally, he explained that any HVAC equipment would likely be positioned in an attic space, but in no case would it be within view from the exterior of the building complex.

    C. Webber and C. Pynn addressed a number of questions to Mr. Meirs related to the design of the glass-enclosed gable end of the proposed addition and the configuration of bay windows proposed for the Church Street-facing meeting hall/education building. They both expressed concern specifically with the volume of glass to be used in each area and with the complexity of the rooflines proposed for the latter housing the bay windows. Mr. Meirs suggested that a massing model might be used to better articulate the design. With respect to the bay window configuration, W. Bailey suggested that photographs of similar configurations might also be provided.

    Lastly, C. Pynn inquired about the window plan and entrance proposed for the side of the meeting hall/education building opposite the sanctuary. Mr. Meirs explained that he did not bring a pictorial view of that side of the building but would include that in his formal presentation. Ms. Pynn also requested information about the landscape plan. Mr. Meirs explained that the landscape design plan had not been completed, but again would be included in his formal presentation.

    In summarizing the open items surfaced during Mr. Meirs' presentation and the subsequent discussion, P. Schena noted the following specific issues:

    1. Resolution of design concerns related to:
      1. The volume of glass in the glass-enclosed gable end of the proposed sanctuary addition and
      2. The volume of glass and complexity of rooflines in the configuration of bay windows proposed for the Church Street-facing meeting hall/education building.
    2. Presentation of a window and door plan view for the side of the meeting hall/education building opposite the sanctuary.
    3. Presentation of a landscape design plan.

  4. Report on HDC ordinance

    P. Schena distributed to the Commission a copy of the HDC Ordinance provided by D. Sullivan. Mr. Schena also distributed a memo to the Commission (attached hereto and made a part herewith) that addressed a series of questions and issues raised at the Commission's 10 May 2001 meeting and reviewed the memo with the Commission. Upon review of the Ordinance, C. Webber and C. Pynn suggested that D. Sullivan study the Ordinance for completeness. C. Webber and P. Schena agreed to address this request to D. Sullivan and report back to the Commission at its next meeting.

  5. Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

    1. Stewart cellar hole
      C. Pynn and P. Schena reported on a visit they made with T. Furlong to the property of Milton Stewart of Range Road, Windham, at Mr. Stewart's request, to investigate the existence of a cellar hole possibly dating from the 18th century. Mr. Stewart was notified that construction work to be performed on Range Road would necessitate the relocation of his driveway in such a manner so as to jeopardize the cellar hole. C. Webber noted that the NH Department of Historic Resources must be notified of this discovery. C. Pynn agreed to send an e-mail on the Commission's behalf to the Department of Historic Resources, and by copy to R. Barry of the NH Department of Transportation, describing the issues in this case and the discovery of the cellar hole. She also noted that the cellar hole should be added to the Town of Windham's list of historic resources.

    2. Summer meeting schedule

      The Commission discussed its summer meeting schedule in light of the need to reschedule its hearing on the Town of Windham Storage Vault project. There was general agreement among Commission members not to hold pre-scheduled meetings during July and August 2001. C. Pynn made a motion 1) that the HDC not pre-schedule meetings during July and August 2001, but rather to schedule meetings in accordance with the needs of the public and 2) with respect to the Storage Vault project, that P. Schena will discuss with D. Sullivan and agree, subject to the approval of the Commission, on a date as early as practical after 17 July, 2001 to reschedule the Storage Vault public hearing. W. Bailey seconded the motion. The motion was accepted by unanimous vote.

  6. Review of plan/project submissions

    There were no plans or projects presented to the Commission for review at this meeting.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

Approved July 26, 2001

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