MAY 10, 2001

Present: W. Bailey, T. Furlong, C. Pynn, P. Schena, M. Stoltz, and C. Webber


T. Furlong made a motion to accept the April Minutes as written. M. Stoltz seconded the motion. The April Minutes were accepted by unanimous vote.

Discussion of HDC ordinance and rules of procedure

P. Schena presented for review and discussion a list of issues related to the HDC's Ordinance and the development of HDC rules of procedure ("Notes to HDC Ordinance Review" hereafter "the Notes").

Member comments on the Notes are as follows:

W. Bailey requested clarification of 1) the process whereby the HDC Ordinance is amended, i.e. as by a Town body or Town Meeting, 2) the relationship between the HDC Ordinance and that of the Zoning Board, and 3) the permitting process and documentation flow whereby application is currently made to the HDC. In addition, he noted the Commission's requirement for criteria of application approval and disapproval.

C. Pynn suggested that the language of the current Ordinance be simplified to require the Commission's filing of certificates of approval and disapproval with the Building Inspector. She further suggested the need for a handbook of filing procedures that could be used to develop "Frequently Asked Questions" for use by applicants.

P. Schena inquired of the role of the Planning Board's Design Review Guidelines in any design review process by the HDC.

C. Webber seconded W. Bailey's point related to the establishment of criteria for application approval and disapproval. She also suggested that the HDC's assumption of the powers and duties of the Heritage Commission be formally incorporated into the Commission's Ordinance.

On the basis of the forgoing discussion, P. Schena was to revise the Notes to incorporate the above-expressed concerns and issues, to review them with David Sullivan, Windham Town Manager, and to report back to the Commission at its next scheduled meeting.

Presentation and discussion of correspondences and/or other new issues

  1. Update on Church Street culvert (Heritage Commission)

    The Commission discussed the proposed repair/placement of the culvert on Church Street and raised several issues. C. Webber noted that a study was to be conducted to include the proposed new culvert. The Commission agreed to request consideration of the impact of the proposed new culvert on the existing culvert. C. Webber agreed to raise this matter and make this request to David Sullivan. Furthermore, the Commission agreed to request the removal of trees and brush (but not roots and stumps) now growing over the old culvert. Lastly, under the joint powers of the Historic District and Heritage Commissions, the Commission agreed to request to review any plans drawn related to the culvert repair/replacement project.

  2. Town of Windham storage vault project

    P. Schena reported to the Commission that it had received an Application for Permit from the Town of Windham to replace the concrete storage vault on the Town Hall with a modular concrete vault. The Commission agreed to hold a public hearing to formally review the Application.

  3. New Business

    T. Furlong brought to the Commission's attention an offer by a local Boy Scout Troup to clear the Simpson Cellar Hole. T. Furlong and W. Bailey discussed the matter of fill for the potential project and agreed to meet separately to discuss the possibility of using crushed green glass. W. Bailey suggested that the Troup, under the direction of adult leadership, submit a proposal for the clearing project to the Commission at one of its regularly scheduled meetings.

  4. Review of plan/project submissions

    There were no plans or projects presented to the Commission for review at this meeting.

There being to further business to come before the Commission, the Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. Schena
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

Approved 14 June, 2001

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