March 8, 2001

Present: W.Bailey; C.Pynn; C.Webber

Minutes of February 8, 2001 read. Motion by C.Webber to accept as written, second by W.Bailey. Passed unanimously.

BARTLEY HOUSE LCHIP GRANT: Letters requesting written support for the project have been sent to fourteen developers. Letters of support have also been requested from various Town organizations and numerous signatures have been gathered on a petition. The Commission is submitting a letter of need for the grant. These will all be submitted to the State by March 28 after which the final decision will be made regarding grant eligibility. The Commission will receive a copy of the grant to review by next week.

STATION GRANT FOUNDATION: The Commission is also reviewing grant possibilities to restore the old depot at Windham Junction. The "Great American Station Foundation" has been contacted and we have received some information back from them. The foundation will need specifics regarding exactly what intermodal use we might consider for this building. The Commission has gathered contact names at the state and will discuss options with them.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: A letter has been received from the WPC Building Committee stating that they have changed direction with the proposed building project. They will be refurbishing the parish hall and will be discussing plans with the Commission to construct new fellowship space.

WEB PAGE: Motion to accept as written with the option to make editorial changes. Second by C.Pynn. Passed unanimously. P.Schena has designed the HDC web page and is working with Dick Forde to put it on the Town web page. The page has numerous links to both Town and State informational sources.


  1. Ballard Subdivision 22A-300 no comments; no historical structures noted
  2. Castle Reach Subdivision Phase II: There don't appear to be any historic structures involved with this subdivision but the Commission is still concerned that the original lot # is not shown on the plan. The Commission is also concerned with the magnitude of this development and the resulting impact on the town. The original street names suggested by the Commission were rejected and new suggestions have been submitted. It is hoped that these historically connected names will be taken under consideration: Brown's Mill; Grist Mill; Flatrock Brook/Flatrock; Catamount; Yelland; McGregor; Iron Horse; Raccoon's Den; Bahan (resubmitted).

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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