JANUARY 11, 2001

Present: T.Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schena; M.Stoltz

The Commission welcomed Mim Stoltz back after her recovery period from a hip injury.

Minutes of December 14: motion to accept as written by T.Furlong, second by C.Webber. Minutes accepted by unanimous vote.

Discussion regarding changes to ordinance provisions (RSA 676:1-7) and regulations:

    1. Membership should be capped as no more than seven as suggested by Town Attorney B.Campbell in his letter of November 15, 2000 and as stated in RSA 673:4 This should be written and wording approved now even though the window for this year's Town Warrant has passed. In the event there is a special Town Meeting called for any reason this zoning change will be ready. Otherwise this change will wait until next year. 2. Abutters should be notified. This can continue to be handled by the Planning Dept. 3. A clear set of procedures will be developed for considering applications. A new application form will be developed. 4. A checklist will be developed for use when the input of other departments is desired. 5. P.Schena will ask Wendy Devlin to e-mail members the Powers and Duties as presently written so that members may work on changes at home. 6. Questions still remain on the 45-day period to act on an application to the Planning Dept.

Discussion re: HDC web site: The framework for this project is well underway thanks to the efforts of member Pat Schena. A demonstration of homepage and links shows inclusions of both Historic Resource Lists and pictures of historic sites. Also, links for more in depth descriptions and identifications of historic buildings and sites. One of the links will use the 1993 NHDHR inventories of older buildings. These inventories have been professionally done and will be a great asset. C.Webber suggested that the Historic Society be asked to contribute. Pictures of old postcards can also be scanned in. The site will be an agenda item at each meeting. This will ensure continuing updating.

Old Business:

    1. Bartley House LCHIP Grant: Word from the Town Hall is that the narrative for the grant has been written and the application will be progressing. 2. Presbyterian Church: The Commission has a request from the church building committee to review new sketches for phase II/III. Because this plan is not in the immediate future the Board does not wish to bias any future decisions or to set a precedent. The Commission voted 5-0 to not meet with the church building committee to discuss these sketches at this time.


Timberlane Road Extension (Heritage Hill Road area) Plan does not give enough information. There are historic resources in the area but it is difficult to define exactly what lots are involved. The Commission wishes more information and cannot comment on the plan as shown.

Klemm's Country Store: The Commission has a concern with any type of modern building in this area or any traditional fast food building design. This is a historically sensitive area and should be afforded protection from strip type intrusion. The present Country Store, golf range, Windham Farms and historic 1812 house all project a rural setting. The Commission believes that this feeling should be preserved by use of appropriate building style and signage. Signage should be minimized especially for any building or service facing the historic Park/Dinsmoor House (Riviera Restaurant). A buffer of tall plantings between Range Road and the parking lot would be desirable as a screen. The Commission hopes that a great deal of thought is put into the design and signage of this project.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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