DECEMBER 14, 2000

Present: T. Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schena; C.Webber

Minutes of November 9 read and accepted as amended regarding Presbyterian Church Public Discussion:

  1. HDC is requesting that the Design Review Board review the proposed design for the Presbyterian Church.
  2. Change Phase 11 and 111 as written in minutes to Phase II and III

Commission Membership: Discussion whether or not membership must be fixed at one number or read as RSA. This will be discussed with Town Council. Direction will be requested from Al Turner.

Ordinance operating protocol: Discussion regarding requirements for public hearing for adoption of protocol changes. P.Schena will research.

2000 Report for Town Warrant: Report has been written and submitted

Letter received from DOT re: RT. 93 Task Force Meeting. C.Pynn and C.Webber attended this meeting along with many concerned citizens.

HDC web page: P.Schena has been working on a design for the page. T.Furlong has completed written documentation of the Simpson cellar foundation. This will be included on the web page along with the historic resource lists. The list will include tax map numbers but will not show names of property owners. The Commission discussed using pictures from Morrison's History of Windham, Rural Oasis, and private postcard collections. The page will be a living, changing document and as such will need to periodically be revised. This will be further reviewed at the January meeting.

LCHIP: David Sullivan will be working with the Commission for submission of an application to LCHIP for a grant. The request will be for matching funds for repair/restoration of the Bartley House.

Comments to Planning Board regarding Castle Reach Development. The Commission requests that special consideration be given to Morrison Road. This is a Scenic Road and is protected by State Statute. The natural features should not be compromised. Increased traffic should be avoided. Alternative routes and narrower road widths throughout the development should be considered.

The next meeting of the Historic District Commission will be on January 11, 2001 at 4pm Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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