NOVEMBER 9, 2000


    C.Pynn, Chairman
    Members: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; P. Schena; C. Webber
    Guests: Members of the Presbyterian Church Building Committee; J. Rosecrans, Architect; Carl Dubay, Engineer

  • Windham Presbyterian Church public discussion: The chairman explained that this was to be a public discussion due to a procedural error. The original public hearing was not valid because there had been no formal application by the building committee to the Planning Board for a building permit. The validity of Phase I public hearing is being researched. Church members in attendance were asked if they had any questions regarding this. Hearing none, the chairman opened the meeting. Engineer Carl Dubay presented an overview of the project and how it relates to other departments. Materials for landscaping include the use of "ecostone" in front of the church. The Commission would like to see a picture of an installation of this material. Trees and plantings were also discussed. He stated that Conservation has had a conceptual on this plan. Mr. Dubay discussed the possibility of designing a monument marker at the corner of the church to denote the geometric center of town.

    John Rosecrans, architect, discussed and displayed materials to be used on phase 1. The proposed windows are vinyl thermopane with muntins; the roofing material is a dimensional architectural shingle; the siding is vinyl. He proposes to use 8-inch aluminum vinyl clad trim board to mimic the corner boards on the church. The Board discussed the use of vinyl siding and commented that a different material would be preferable because the double seams on vinyl are always obvious. The Board agreed to look at Windham Terrace siding as it is the same material. C.Webber feels the education wing appears to be two times the size of the church. C.Pynn feels that according to the Secretary of the Interior Standards, the size of the education wing diminishes the prominence of the church. Mr. Rosecrans explained that it was designed on the same footprint as the present building but its two-story height makes it look larger. He also stated that its size was based on church needs. W. Bailey feels that the church retains prominence. The Board discussed the connector between the church and Phase 1. C.Pynn and C.Webber feel there is too much glass in this structure. Suggestions were to remove some of the lights. Some Board members did not have a problem with this design. C.Webber commented that the connector windows and overhang looks like it belongs to a connection between buildings on a modern high school. W.Bailey felt the door looked like it belonged on a high school. Board members felt the overhang floated.

    Mr. Rosecrans explained the modifications to Phase 11 and 111. The new window design proposes fanlights over the windows. This received mixed reviews from the Board. The Board feels that the overhang creates shadows and softens the effect of this addition. The Board agreed that the gable treatment at the door is an acceptable design and an improvement over the original although there is still some concern with the curved wall. The board was shown an artist's rendering of phase 11. It was commented that this drawing made the addition look smaller than the construction drawings do. The Board has problems with Phase 111 design. C.Pynn has concerns with its size. Mr. Rosecrans stated that with input from tonight they might make changes to this design. The Board will request that the Design Review Board give input into the plans. The Board agreed that the proposed outdoor light fixture is too fancy and alternatives will be looked at. Public input questions were handled by Diane Lachance of the church building committee.
  • 2000 Annual Town Report: Board narrative report is due by November 22. C.Pynn will write and submit.
  • Master Plan Preservation Chapter: Adjustments have been made to text and correct Historic Resource Lists have been submitted to Master Plan Committee.
  • Law Lecture Series: Margaret Crisler has made Copies of these important documents for the Commission.
  • HDC web page: discussion to take place at December meeting.
  • Correspondence: letter from Meisner Brem Corp. requesting road names for Fieldstone Woods Subdivision. Possible names will be submitted.
  • Minutes from October 2000 read and accepted as written.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm

The next meeting of the HDC will be on December 14th at 4pm Town Hall

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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