ATTENDENCE: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schena; C.Webber

  • Presbyterian Church Public Hearing: A public hearing was held in accordance with the town of Windham regulations for the Presbyterian Church additions and for demolition and rebuilding of the present parish hall. All abutters have been notified and the hearing properly posted. The hearing opened at 4:15 pm.

    Present were: John Rosecrans, architect; Karl Dubay, engineer; Diane Lachance, chairman Master Plan Committee; members of the Master Plan Committee and members of the church.

    Diane Lachance gave a brief introduction of the project. She stated that this is the fourth meeting with the HDC. John Rosecrans presented the design rational using architectural drawings and a dimensional model. He explained that the overall design results from the preservation of the original sanctuary structure. The original 1960's parish hall will be demolished and a new Education Building and connector will be built on the same footprint. Its design is derived from the simple barn structures common in the area. This will be known as phase I. Phase II connects to the rear of the church as well as to the new parish hall. It is sheathed in clapboard siding with a large expanse of windows and colonnades. The curve of the building sweeps away from the street and allows the sanctuary structure prominence. It clearly establishes this aspect of the project as part of the 21st century reflecting today's materials and techniques. The kitchen structure ties in phase I and II. It sits in the back of the facility. It derives its design from additions and out buildings found in rural NH. It is labeled as phase III.

    1. Mr.Bailey questioned the roof and clapboard materials.
      Mr. Rosecrans stated that the roof will be shingle and the clapboards of some material other than wood, possibly masonry. Mr. Bailey asked about air handling units and asked if the units could be put inside or somewhere other than the roof. Mr. Rosecrans responded that phase I would have two small condensing units but phases II and III would have larger units. There is no room for these on the ground. The largest unit may be five feet high on the roof. Mr. Bailey stated that rooftop units are unsightly and allow only a small amount of insulation.
    2. Windows: The Commission stated concerns with the large expanse of windows on phase II. Mr. Rosecrans stated that this was necessary for light. Mr. Furlong also stated that he also had problems with the windows on phase III.
    3. Kitchen addition: The Commission asked regarding roof color as discussed at the previous meeting. Mr. Rosecrans stated that the roof color (red tin) as accepted by the Master Plan Committee is open for recommendations by the HDC.
    4. The Commission still has problems with the size of the structures. They overwhelm the church and the Historic District.
    5. Mr. Furlong asked if the committee had studied concepts that were more historically oriented. A committee member stated that other concepts had been explored.

    Public discussion:
    The Chairman opened the meeting for public discussion. Dianne Lachance stated that some of her suggestions to change phase III were accepted. She feels the design has progressed to colonial in details. She feels the need to honor the past by understanding the needs of the church. Dick Dwyer, member of the building committee, stated that the church is growing and limitations in the area are constricting growth. John Barry, an elder in the church asked the Commission to consider what is going on inside. The mission of the church is to grow. Pastor Jim Stuart and Sally Stuart feel that expansion is necessary and that someone will always find fault with the design. Other church members also spoke in favor of expansion.
    Windham resident, Margaret Crisler feels that the proposed building has an industrial look and that the design is too contemporary. She feels that the windows in phase I are too small and the flat roof is not practical. She stated that design review is now used to assure that new buildings meet the look and feel of what is appropriate. The Planning Board has suggested that the Stewardship Committee look at the design. C.Webber stated that the meeting was posted and the design review committee should have made an effort to attend. Building Committee members asked the Commission what they should propose other then this design. C.Webber stated that this is not the time to discuss new designs and that this is the responsibility of the architect.
    When all questions had been answered and all comments heard, the Chairman closed the public hearing and announced that the public could stay but there would be no further input.
    HDC closing comments and concerns:

    1. Landscaping design and materials are not shown and must be compatible with the Historic District.
    2. Concern with phase II and III windows
    3. Concern that the overall design would overwhelm the small church and the Historic District
    4. The design compromises the historical connection of the church and how it relates to the historic district. Fellowship hall and kitchen design are not compatible with the Historic District
    5. Each building in the district is a definition of its particular era. The design of phase II and III detracts from this definition.
    6. The design is starkly contemporary because of the glass. The contemporary new subtracts from the historic old.

    Motion made by W.Bailey, second by T.Furlong to accept phases I, II, and III as presented. T.Furlong and W.Bailey voted for; C.Pynn, P.Schena, C.Webber voted against. Motion failed 3-2.
    Motion made by C.Pynn to accept phase I. Motion amended by C.Webber to accept phase I subject to HDC approval of landscaping, materials and colors. Motion made by C.Webber to accept phase I as amended, second by W.Bailey. Motion passed 5-0. Motion made by W.Bailey to accept phase II, second by T.Furlong. W.Bailey, T.Furlong voted to accept; C.Pynn, P.Schena, C.Webber voted against. Motion failed 3-2.

  • Bartley House CIP Submittal: C.Pynn will attend the CIP meeting September 7, to ask that the Bartley House be considered for funding. Lease/rental options have been posted on the NHDHR website.

  • Historic Web page: Status will be discussed at the next meeting.

  • Minutes: Minutes from August 10 were read and accepted as written.

The next meeting of the HDC will be October 12th, 4pm, Town Hall

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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