AUGUST 10, 2000

ATTENDENCE: W.Bailey; C.Pynn; C.Webber

Excused: T.Furlong; P.Schenna

Guests: Diane Lachance, Presbyterian Church Building Committee; Architect, John Rosecrans; members of Presbyterian Church

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Presbyterian Church Building Committee members and architect, John Rosecrans were present to discuss conceptual plans for a Master Plan expansion of the church. The church is located in one of the Town's Historic Districts and as such must have approval from the Historic District Commission for demolition, alteration, or new construction within the district. Church members were present to speak in favor of the expansion. A letter was received from church members also speaking in favor. At previous discussions on November 11 and December 9, 1999 the Commission had requested revisions to the plans as originally presented. Architect John Rosecrans presented the revised design. The present church hall would be replaced with a building of similar design on the same footprint. It would house classrooms, office space, library/conference room and nursery/toddler areas as well as other rooms. This will be called phase I and will be of wood clapboard construction. The baked enamel finish on the connector building as originally presented will also be of wooden clapboards. Phase II and III are additions to the rear of the new church hall and the present church building. Phase II would be called the Fellowship Center. As presented, it is a swept back design so that it would not be obvious from the front of the church. The original baked enamel finish has been eliminated and is now shown as wooden pilasters with clapboards between the banks of windows. Phase III is a smaller addition to the rear of Phase II and the new church hall and would house a kitchen, pantry and storage areas. The Commission members agree that Phase I is compatible with the historic architecture of the church and find the new design acceptable. Discussion regarding Phase II centered around the prominence of the windows, the size of the addition and the rods on the carport overhang. Mr. Rosecrans feels that an expanse of windows is necessary for lighting. Ms. Lachance stated that the size of the Fellowship Center is needed. Mr. Bailey noted that the carport seems to float. The Commission concurred and suggested changes. The Commission had reservations regarding the metal roof for Phase III. Discussion continued regarding how to best proceed for public hearing. The Commission felt that it might be best to present only phase I as conditions might change over the next few years. The Church Building Committee stated that they preferred to hold the hearing for all three phases at the same time. Motion by W.Bailey, second by C.Webber and accepted unanimously to hold a public hearing for acceptance or denial of the Presbyterian Church Planning Committee application for additions to the church. The hearing will consist of three parts, one for each phase. The public hearing will be held on September 7, 4pm Town Hall. A certificate of approval or notice of disapproval must be issued within 10 days of the hearing.

BARTLEY HOUSE: motion by C.Pynn, second by W.Bailey and C.Webber to use the NH Dept. of Historic Resource e-mail list to advertise for parties interested in a public/private partnership with the Town for renovations of the Bartley House. C.Pynn and P.Schenna will write and submit.

REBUILD BARTLEY HOUSE: At a special meeting on May 25 the Commission met with Mr. Nickerson to discuss his recommendation to remove the existing structure and rebuild it on a new poured concrete foundation using the existing foundation as a façade. Mr. Nickerson would assume all costs for the rebuild for which he would lease the building (with the right to sublease) for some extended term. After discussion the Commission voted unanimously to decline this offer. The historic substance and character of the building would be lost forever and could never be replaced. The Commission thanks Mr. Nickerson for his offer.

CIP: Motion by C.Webber, second by W.Bailey to apply to the CIP for $150,000 for renovation/restoration of the Bartley House. Passed unanimously.

HDC WEB PAGE: P.Schenna has been working on inclusions for the page. The Commission will work with Dick Forde, Webmaster, for the final design.

MINUTES from special meeting on May 25 and regular meeting on June 8 were read and accepted. The next meeting of the HDC will be on Thursday September 7, 2000 at 4pm Town Hall at which time there will be a Public Hearing for the Presbyterian Church application for Phase I, II, and III expansions.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.


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