MAY 11, 2000

Present: C.Pynn; P.Schenna; M.Stoltz; C.Webber

Minutes of April 13 read and accepted 4-0


  1. A letter has been sent to the Master Plan Committee regarding text changes for the Historic Resource Chapter.
    1. West Windham train station has been demolished and will now be called an archeological site.
    2. The Simpson Cellar will be added as a fourth historic district
    3. Request that a new sentence be added to read "The Town through the initiative of the HDC should be committed to finding unique new uses for older Town buildings".
  2. A letter has been sent to the Planning Board re: revision of building codes for historic buildings. Bruce Flanders has re-written some code areas and will present to these in about one month.
  3. C.Pynn and C.Webber attended a workshop presented by the NH Preservation Alliance. Speakers discussed a variety of concerns regarding the use of historic buildings and the problems encountered with code, energy, and architectural details.
  4. BARTLEY HOUSE: The Commission has received an estimate for structural and aesthetic repairs from a private contractor. Prioritizations may be made from this list. David Sullivan will be encouraged to advertise for people interested in leasing the building. The Commission is also willing to explore alternatives to restoration should someone come forth.
  5. SIMPSON CELLAR HISTORIC DISTRICT: Frank Farmer and Tom Furlong were to meet this week regarding clearing the foundation of debris.
  6. CONSERVATION COMMISSION INVITATION: The South West lands subcommittee has invited the HDC to join in a discussion of a plan for preserving land in this part of town. The objective of both commissions is preservation and the opportunity to work together is a welcome one. C.Pynn, P.Schenna, and C.Webber will attend the meeting May 11.


  1. WINDHAM DEPOT TRAIN STATION: The Commission is looking into applying for a grant from the National Trust to assist in paying for a technical consultant to help determine how to preserve this special building. Matching funds are required. C.Webber will talk to David Sullivan regarding ownership of the building(s) as well as contacts. Motion by C.Webber, second by P.Schenna to contact Fifield Building Restoration and Relocation Company in Canterbury NH To discuss this upcoming restoration project.
  2. MORRISION ROAD: The 1856 Proctor House will be used as a training burn on May 21. C.Pynn and P.Schenna will video the house and old Morrison Road before the burn and before construction of the new Morrison Road begins. The new road will totally destroy the path of the original road and the Commission wishes to document its original configuration and historic character. Unfortunately, the developer was not willing to move this historic house to a new location on the property and an interested buyer could not be found.
  3. Motion by C.Webber, second by C.Pynn to ask Planning Board to include in their minutes whether or not a developer is willing to accept the Commission's requests /recommendations.
    1. 11-A-161, 117 N.Lowell Road Toni's Edible Art: The house on this lot is on the Town Historic Resource List and was built c. 1850 by George Hughes. Because the proposed addition is removable, the Commission is agreeable to the plan. However, we would like documentation of the house as it presently stands. The Commission requests that the Dickinsons submit photographs of the house before any changes take place. The photos may be placed in the Historic mailbox.
    2. 11-A-161, 8 Ledge Road, Radial properties and office building: Keep boundary stonewalls. When removing the wall that cuts the lot in half, please use the stones to create a new boundary wall along lot 11-A-160. If this is not possible, stockpile the stones for use by townspeople, the Town, or abutting property owner.
    3. 2-A-275 @ 300, 20 and 24 Beacon Hill Road: Retain stonewalls. Stockpile stones from wall which bisects property for use by new property owner(s).

Next meeting of the HDC will be June 8 at 4pm Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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