APRIL 13, 2000

Present: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schenna; M.Stoltz; C.Webber

Minutes of March 9 read. Motion by C.Pynn to accept, seconded by all.


  1. Simpson Cellar Historic District cleanup: T.Furlong will work with Frank Farmer and his Boy Scout troop to clear brush from the cellar.
  2. Bartley House: The building will be evaluated by a private contractor to assess costs and most pressing needs for repairs. Interest has been expressed by a private company to demolish the building, then rebuild an exact replica using the original granite foundation. All costs would be born by the builder The Commission is willing to explore all avenues and will meet with this company to discuss all options. This meeting will be a discussion only and no proposals will be accepted at that time.


  1. Comments to Planning Board: 2-A-275 & 300 BEACON HILL ROAD Rosewood Estates. No historic elements were seen on the plan other than stonewalls. The Commission requested that the walls be preserved or rebuilt wherever possible.
  2. Morrison Road filming: Dean smith the owner of this development has given the Commission permission to film the area before the old Morrison Road is demolished. Elements of the historic house may be preserved before it also is demolished. P.Schenna and C.Pynn will attempt to do the filming. Because the house may be used as a training burn by the Fire Dept., the Commission will request notification when the permit is pulled.
  3. Building codes for historic buildings: a letter will be written to the Planning Board requesting that special consideration be given to historic buildings. The BOCA code has suggestions addressing this matter. RSA 674:51-52 allows for adoption of special codes for historic structures. Local codes with exemptions may also be adopted.
  4. ISTEA legislation and Windham Junction Depot: The deadline has passed for submittal of grant requests for this year. New requests for grant money will not be accepted until 2002. The Commission has received information from the D.O.T. regarding preservation of historic railroad buildings through ISTEA. This interim time can be spent putting together a package of information and pictures of the Junction Depot for submittal at that time. Other avenues for grant money will also be explored.
  5. CAMPBELL FARM: Photographs of the farm have been submitted to Rockingham Planning courtesy of Joan Normington. The farm has been submitted by the Commission as a priority protection parcel under the Land and Community Heritage Program.
  6. MASTER PLAN HISTORIC CHAPTER: A proposed final draft has been submitted to the Commission. The Simpson Cellar Historic District needs to be added. W.Windham train station will be deleted. No other changes are needed.

The next meeting of the HDC will be May 11 at 4pm Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Pynn
Chairman, Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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