February 10, 2000

Present: W.Bailey; C.Pynn; P.Schenna; C.Webber
Excused: T.Furlong; M.Stoltz

Minutes Motion by C.Pynn, second by W. Bailey to accept minutes of January 13, 2000 as written. Passed unanimously.


  1. BARTLEY HOUSE: Will appear as Article #17 on Town Warrant asking the Town to approve restoration of this building by a private party in lieu of rent. The rental details have not yet been worked out. Gary Carboneau will be presenting an estimate for cost of structural repair, replacement of windows and removing the vinyl siding. He will be using recommendations by Jim Garvin, State Architectural Historian as well as his own expertise in repairing historic buildings. The average cost for commercial rental space is approximately $11/12 per square foot. In researching other options, P.Schenna contacted Freeport Me. Re: their rental of the old town library. They took out a bond on the new library and paid the note from the rental of the old library.
  2. SIMPSON CELLAR FOUNDATION: Petition #3 on Town Warrant will be asking the Town to vote to make this cellar foundation on Marblehead Road an historic district. The Commission has received an application to complete for a State marker for the site.
  3. ORDINANCE: There will be three amendments and one addition on the Town Warrant to be voted on.


  1. LOT 18-L-480 DELAHUNTY SITE PLAN 41 RANGE ROAD: There are no historic structures or constraints noted on this plan.
  2. LOT 3-A-1&2 SMITH SUBDIVISION ON MORRISON ROAD: The Commission has a number of concerns with this development. Morrison Road is a designated scenic road ending at its 1962 discontinued portion and as such is protected by RSA 231:157 & 158. The plan as presented destroys the character of the old road by removing stone walls and trees for 50 ft. along the scenic portion of the road. The discontinued portion would be totally lost. The Commission requests that the road width be kept as it is at least until it passes the 1815 house. This house c.1815 is slated to be removed, as it is located in the center of the proposed new Morrison Road. The Commission is requesting that the road alignment be changed to bypass the house (preferable) or that the house be moved to an adjacent lot Although somewhat compromised, this house retains many of its historic elements. It would convey a sense of history as the road transitions from the old to the new and be the perfect focal point. Avoiding demolition is the Commission’s prime concern. Concern has also been expressed by a Morrision Road resident regarding an ancient oak tree that might be endangered. The Commission is also requesting that the second new road in this development presently named "Hancock" be changed to an historically appropriate name. The suggested choices are: Hopkins Road, John’s Road (for "woods John" Hopkins), Hughes Road, or Proctor Road. All were former residents of this house.


  1. Letter and pictures received from a Frost Road resident addressing the vandalism at the old train depot. The Commission will speak to Mr. Sullivan and request that the buildings at least be painted to cover the graffiti. The N.H. Bureau of Trails was also contacted to inform them of the problems in this area.
  2. REPP 1 YEAR REPORT: The Commission will submit three places from its original submittal to REPP as possible places for priority protection. This will be discussed with the Conservation Commission, as there were common entries.
  3. SB 401 "Land and Community Heritage" has been passed and there is now $6 million in grant money available for historic property restoration. Tracy Lang from RPC will send information.

Carol Pynn

Chairman, Windham Historic District/Heritage Commission

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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