January 13, 2000

Present: W.Bailey; T.Furlong; C.Pynn; P.Schenna; C.Webber
Excused: M.Stoltz

Minutes of 12/29/99 read and accepted by motion of T.Furlong and 2nd by W.Bailey


  1. Bartley House lease option discussion: P. Schenna presented the long-term lease agreement proposal to the Board of Selectmen on January 10. It was made clear that there will be no cost to the Town. A lease agreement will have to be written and repairs will be prioritized. The Commission and the BOS will meet with interested parties. Motion by C.Webber, second by T. Furlong to ask local contractors for an assessment of priority repairs. Linda Wilson of the N.H. dept. of Historic Resources has asked the Commission to keep her up to date on progress as other N.H. towns are interested in this concept. W.Bailey will gather information on lease wording. C. Pynn and P.Schenna will research the manner in which other towns have accomplished this.
  2. Simpson Cellar Historic District: This petition will be on the Town Warrant for vote in March as presented by “Tom Furlong and Others”. The HDC itself cannot propose this. This petition will be discussed at the January 18 Planning Board public hearing. Some members of the Planning Board had questioned the need to make this area an historic district as opposed to a historic site. The Commission explained that this is already an historic site as listed on the Town Historic Resource list in the Master Plan. C.Pynn will contact the NHDHR for guidance in this matter as well as to ask the manner in which to have the state install historic markers.
  3. Zoning Amendments: Amendment #8 consisting of housekeeping changes to the HDC ordinance will be presented at the January 18th Planning Board public hearing. Because of conflicting copies of the ordinance the Commission’s request to change from seven to five members will not be on the ballot.


Comments to Planning Board

  1. POWERS SUBDIVISION 17-I-35 The commission requests that the boundary stone wall not be compromised or altered.
  2. ROCKY RIDGE SUBDIVISION 3-A-1&2, 7-1940&2000 The Commission does not feel there is ample time to review this project thoroughly. It was received January 13 and is due back on the 25th. There are important historic considerations in the plan including an historic house that is threatened as well as great compromise of Morrison Road. This is noted as a “final Plan” yet it is the first time the Commission has seen it. C.Pynn and P.Schenna will walk the site Saturday the 15th and will return the comment sheet stating that more time is needed to evaluate these plans. The Commission has previously written to the Planning Board requesting a more timely receipt of plans and before they are presented as final. (May 1999)
  3. Apple tree at Griffin Park: The Commission will write a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating its continued support for the BOS vote in May 1999 to preserve the antique Baldwin apple tree at Griffin Park. David White Construction Company has been parking large construction vehicles under the tree and may well be causing damage to the roots. A barricade is now offering some protection. This tree serves as a memory of the farm that once stood here and the family who farmed the land. It should be respected.

Communication: letter received from the Conservation Commission alerting this Commission of upcoming plans for two developments that are in progress. Their consideration is appreciated.

The Commission is greatly saddened by the death of Nancy Surette. She will surely be missed.

Carol Pynn

Chairman, Windham Historic District/Heritage Commission

Next meeting will be February 11,2000 4pm Town Hall

note: these minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the Commission.

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