Cable Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

September 4, 2003


The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Margaret Case.  Members present were Leo Hart, Mary Griffin, David Unger and Alan Shoemaker. Also present was Jim Daddona, Studio Coordinator.  Absent were Christopher Doyle and J. Gross. 

The minutes of the 05/15/03 meeting were accepted as written.

Financial Report: 

The year-to-date and month-to-date financial report was reviewed and discussed.  We are on track with this calendar year’s projected expenses.

Studio Coordinator’s Report: 

Jim Daddona commented on the variety of regular programming as well as coverage of  special community events.  Virtually all of the regular programs are continuing to tape new shows, and we are continuing to cablecast Selectmen, Planning Board and ZBA meetings.  CIP meetings are also being shown live on Thursdays.  Recent special programming has included the Windham 4th of July Celebration, Pelham/Windham Coop Public Hearing, the Senior Picnic and “A Taste of Ireland.”  Jim has also recruited five new volunteers through his monthly video workshops.  They are going into their senior year at Salem HS, and are planning to produce a monthly movie show.  And, Jim reported that we are entering three shows in the Northeast Community Alliance Awards Festival. 


A check for $22,000 has been received as part of the PEG access grant from Adelphia.

Dave Sullivan has written to written to Adelphia, advising them that the Board of Selectmen have voted to request that Adelphia cease charging the “fee on fee” calculation, thereby reducing the rate from 5.25% to 5%.

Technical Subcommittee Report:

Leo Hart reported that we moving strongly into the digital arena.  He offered that audio may be a promising area for enhancement.  We are looking into the testing of different microphones, and will study the placement of directional mikes with remote cameras.  Leo also advised that a new digital camera would improve our digital operation. Also needed was a new DVD recorder for the studio at the Planning Department, and a new office computer.  Approval was given to look into the purchase of a digital camera.  Leo Hart moved and Mary Griffin seconded to authorize Margaret Case to obtain a new DVD recorder and office PC.  Motion carried. 


The board reviewed and approved the 2004 WCAB budget, and the chairman will present it to the Town Administrator.


Mary Griffin moved and David Unger seconded that Margaret Case be elected to another term as Chairman.  Motion approved unanimously.

David Unger moved and Mary Griffin seconded that Leo Hart be elected to another term as Vice Chairman.  Motion approved unanimously.

Mary Griffin moved and David Unger seconded that Alan Shoemaker be elected to another term as Secretary.  Motion approved unanimously.

Future Meetings:

It was resolved that WCAB meetings will be held bi-monthly on the first Thursday of the month, with the next meeting scheduled for November.  More frequent meetings will be convened as necessary.   Com Cast will be invited to attend the November meeting for an update on our limited franchise.

Non-Public Session:

A motion was made and seconded to go into non-public session to address several legal issues.  Results of the roll call vote were:  Margaret Case, yes; Leo Hart, yes; Alan Shoemaker, yes; David Unger, yes; Mary Griffin, yes.  The WCAB went into non-public session at 9:05 p.m. The board came out of non- public session at 9:40.  The Cable Board directed the chairman to discuss the items with David Sullivan.  The Chairman will try to set up a meeting for September 25, 2003 if all parties are available.


A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Alan Shoemaker, WCAB Secretary