Windham Cable Advisory Board
Minutes of March 13, 2003

Present: Margaret Case, Leo Hart, Alan Shoemaker, Chris Doyle, J.Gross, David Unger. Coordinator Jim Daddona

Excused: Mary Griffin, Steve Dirksen, Barbara Coish Secretary

Meeting was called to order at 7:20pm

Minutes: Motion by Chris Doyle and Second by J. Gross to accept the minutes as printed. Vote was unanimous.

Financial report: Expenses for Jan and Feb 2003  $ 7,388.32

Adelphia Technical Report:

Total Customers:  January 3189   New Customers 30    Powerlink 570 

                           February 3195  New Customers 37    Powerlink 854

Coordinator report: The studio has been very busy with productions. Many new shows have been added to the line up. During Jan and Feb. there were many extra public meetings that needed to be cablecast. We have 5 new volunteers during this time period. (See full report attached).

Discussion on the quality of the audio on programs and what could be done to make improvements. Adelphia has ordered new equipment to improve the video quality.

Adelphia has stated that they may need to run fiber from the studio. The board was pleased to hear this.

Franchise fee are due to the town this month the amount will be approx.$89,100.00.

Discussion was held regarding a few concerns that the Cable Board has with Adelphia.

The Chairperson has spoken to Atty. Peter Epstein and sent some paperwork to him.

Margaret Case went over the information with the board and was directed to discuss this with The Town Administrator and to arrange a meeting with Atty. Epstein, The Cable Board and The Board of Selectmen.

Motion to adjourn by David Unger and Second by Leo Hart. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9pm.

Margaret A Case, Chairperson

These minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the WCAB

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