Windham Cable Advisory Board
Minutes of December 14, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 10:09 a.m. by Chairman Margaret Case.  Members present were Leo Hart, Christopher Doyle, Mary Griffin,  J. Gross and Alan Shoemaker. Also present were Jim Daddona, Studio
Coordinator; and Barbara Coish, Recording Secretary.  Absent were Steve Dirksen and David Unger.

The minutes of the 10/19/02 meeting were accepted as written. Leo Hart  moved; Chris Doyle seconded.

The annual budget was discussed, and it was reported that to date, $37,999 has been expended of the $53,380 budget.

On the issue of growth moratorium, Margaret Case advised at the December 11  planning board meeting that the WCAB was in favor of growth, as would provide increased revenues, and offer the opportunity for more     volunteers.

The October statistical report from Adelphia showed a total of 3,205 customers, with 40 newcomers, 53 disconnects, 72 Powerlink users, and 44 service calls (89% of which were answered in 30 seconds or less).

Adelphia has reported that in the process of migrating services to digital access, everyone with a digital converter base will receive the  following channels as a free digital preview, from 12/31/02 to 01/05/03:  MTV 2, MTV Jams, MTVS (Spanish), VH1 (Classic Rock), VH1 (Soul), VH1 (Country), Noggin, Nick Too, Games & Sports, National Geographic, and Style.  New services for preview will be:  Nick Toons, VH1 Mega Hits and MTV Lite.

Correspondence:  Two letters of complaint were received from subscribers, and Chairman Margaret Case was asked to follow up on them.

Adelphia reported an unpredicted delay in finishing the new system, which was caused by problems with the PSNH power supply. They requested an extension in completion from 12/31/02 to 01/31/03.  On 12/16/02, the Board of Selectmen will address this request.  It was moved, seconded and  approved (with one exception) that the WCAB support this extension  request.

J. Gross reported that he has been having no problems recently with the Powerlink service, which seems to have greatly improved.

Studio Coordinator Jim Daddona reported the following:

    • There will be two new regular shows starting in January, on the Town Library and School Library.

    • All new DVD and PC equipment has been hooked up and is working.  New shows are being recorded in DVD.  The WCAB once again extends its thanks  to Tom Case for doing the installtion.  

    • The volunteer program is working well, and a campaign to increase the number of volunteers will be starting next month.  In conjunction with the campaign, a directing workshop will be held.

    • Delahunty’s was thanked for their generous donations of flowers and accessories that serve as set backdrops.

Chris Doyle reported that the Board of Selectmen has voiced its pleasure and expressed appreciation to Jim Daddona for his support and the quality of his operation.

Equipment:  Jim Daddona requested a new studio production mixer/switcher, to replace the one we are now using, which is about 15 years old.   After discussion, it was moved by Leo Hart, seconded by Alan Shoemaker and unanimously approved to spend up to $7,000 to  purchase a Panasonic AGMX70.    

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Christopher Doyle and seconded by Alan Shoemaker.  It was approved unanimously, and the board adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alan Shoemaker
Corresponding Secretary

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