Windham Cable Advisory Board
Minutes of September 21, 2002

The meeting was held at the cable studio at 10:00am September 21, 2002. Members present were Margaret Case, Chairman; Leo Hart, Alan Shoemaker, J Gross, Mary Griffin, and Christopher Doyle. David Unger and Steve Dirksen were excused. Also in attendance were Barbara Coish, Recording Secretary, Jim Daddona, Studio Coordinator, Lisa Evarts, Consultant and Thomas Case Technical Committee Member.
The June minutes were accepted. Leo Hart moved; Christopher Doyle second; affirmative.
Adelphia technical reports for June, July and August were submitted.
June: customers 3159; new 76; disconnects 39; Powerlink 87.
July: customers 3196; new 61; disconnects 58; Powerlink 82
August: customers 3199; new 12; disconnects 16; Powerlink 78
The budget report shows $31979.64 remaining at the end of August. Most expenditures over summer were for salaries and equipment.
* Planning Board CIP - no request for cable
* Network Engineering Consultants - looking for clients
* Town Administrator - Appointment of Leo Hart and roster
The dues to the Alliance has been paid.
The Adelphia Bond had been extended but is now lapsed. Working under White Mountain Bond
New work has temporally stopped because of funding allowed by the court ruling. Clean up going on. Installation of new cable will soon start again.
Dottie Grover sent an email regarding a bill sponsored by Sen. McCain which impact PEG.
Checks were received totaling $22000.00 representing the grant from Adelphia. The money is in the Cable Trust Fund.
Bills to Atty Epstein  were paid by the Town. Total was less than $200. This was for the internet letter and bond.
The Coordinator's report was given by Jim Daddona. He listed the many new shows that will be upcoming soon. Playback will be somewhat expanded.
The group went into a technical meeting. Much discussion was held over the way to proceed in acquisition of new equipment. Another meeting will be held on Tuesday the 24th to further discuss options.
Election of officers was held. Christopher Doyle moved, Mary Griffin second to retain the present officers. Unanimous affirmative.
Changes for the upcoming budget were discussed. The equipment line will return to $12000.; salary will follow town protocol and telephone will depend on the new town system.
The members voted by role call to go into non public regarding personnel. The Chairman will follow up on the review process.
The survey is being worked on and is not quite ready.
Fremont is looking to start an access station. WCTV will see if we can be of assistance.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Barbara Coish, Recording Secretary
These minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the WCAB.

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