Windham Cable Advisory Board
Minutes of June 15, 2002

Members present:  Margaret Case, Chairperson, Leo Hart, Vice chairperson, Alan Shoemaker, Mary Griffin, J. Gross, David Unger.  Chris Doyle excused.  Steve Dirksen absent.  Barbara Coish secretary not present.

Minutes of 5-18-02 minutes were accepted as written. Motion by Mary Griffin and J. Gross second.  Vote affirmative.

Financial report was reviewed. April expenditures were $ 2,958.77.

Coordinator report was reviewed and accepted. Leo Hart moved and David Unger second. Vote affirmative.

Two new volunteers this month. Training to start soon. Production and programming continues to increase.

Correspondence: Annual meeting of the Alliance for Community Media July 11, 2002 in Houston TX.

Ballot for 2002 Board elections for the Northeast region of the Alliance for Community Media. Margaret will review the list of candidates with Lisa Evarts Studio, Consultant and then the ballot will be sent back.

Letter from David Sullivan regarding Board Appointment: Mary Griffin was reappointed to the Cable Board for 3 years.

Margaret noted that it appeared that there is a mix up on Leo Harts term. Town Office is researching this.

Margaret read the response to Adelphia regarding Powerlink and the recent FCC ruling.

This Letter was drafted by Peter Epstein, Esq. and sent out by the Board of Selectmen. The Town disagrees with the action Adelphia has taken and feels that it is not in keeping with the terms of the franchise.

Several E-mails were received from residents on the Status of Powerlink and the state of Adelphia.

A letter from Adelphia General Counsel assuring that all commitments will be met by Adelphia

June 20, 2002 there will be a meeting of the consortium ( towns that have Adelphia as their cable provider). This meeting will be held at the Londonderry Access Center 7 pm. The purpose is to discuss what protective action the towns can take regarding Adelphia's current financial instability.

Survey: David Unger member of this subcommittee reviewed the draft survey with the board. The board members will send any comments to Jim Daddona, Studio Coordinator. This will then be discussed at the September 2002 meeting.

New Logo: Jim Daddona, Studio Coordinator has been working with a volunteer on a new logo for the Studio. Board reviewed a few samples. Margaret will pass on a few recommendations.

Discussion was held on a stereo modulator . Margaret stated that Adelphia did not have any at this time and the cost to purchase was not stated. J Gross will follow up. A digital box for music has been installed on channel 20 this month.

Discussion followed on the technical long range Master Plan and future equipment needs. A meeting on July 9, 2002 at the studio at 7 PM will be held to work on this plan.

Next regular meeting September 21,2002

Motion to adjourn by Alan Shoemaker and second by David Unger. Vote affirmative.

Margaret Case, Chairperson

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