Windham Cable Advisory Board
Minutes of May 18, 2002

Members present: Margaret A Case Chairperson, Alan Shoemaker, Mary Griffin, J. Gross, Chris Doyle.

Excused Leo Hart and David Unger.  Studio Coordinator: Jim Daddona

April Meeting was canceled no quorum.

Minutes of the March 16, 2002 meeting were accepted as written. J. Gross moved and Alan Shoemaker second. Vote affirmative.

Financial report was reviewed for March and April.  March: expended $ 2,445.69. April expended $ 4,039.60

Coordinator's report was reviewed and accepted. Alan Shoemaker moved and seconded by Mary Griffin. Vote affirmative

We have 6 new volunteers. Training on Basic Video Production techniques will be scheduled soon.  A new spring station ID has been shot and will begin airing next week.  Home schooling group toured the Studio this month.  Program production has increased this month.

Adelphia Technical reports were read.  Total # of Customers: 3127 March 3132 April.  New Customers : 10 9 Powerlink: 94 92

Correspondence:  Resident Letter: Regarding the use of Channel 45 for advertised pay movie previews. This is the only channel that is left until the rebuild is completed. The chairperson spoke with Adelphia and this will only happen a few times over the next few months.

The chairperson updated the board on the news regarding the condition of Adelphia and what has been happening with the Board of Directors and the Financial status.

Correspondence from Adelphia regarding the Powerlink program and a ruling from the FCC. The Chairperson with discussion this matter with the Town Administrator /and or counsel.

Request to put a digital box at the Building dept for background music for channel 20. Motion: To review alternative to accomplish this. If not, then a digital box will be installed. Chris Doyle moved and Alan Shoemaker seconded. Vote 4-1

Coordinator will check with Adelphia on a stereo modulator as requested by J Gross.

Sony HI-8 deck will be sent out for repair this week.

Discussion on Technical committee and meeting schedule. Chairperson will speak with Leo Hart technical subcommittee chairperson.

Monday evening at the Board of Selectmen meeting the Chairperson will present The Volunteer Appreciation Award to Greg Truhlar for his dedicated work for WCTV.

Submitted Margaret A Case, Chairperson

(These minutes are in draft form and have not been accepted by the WCAB.)

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