Conservation Committee
May 8, 2003

Dianna Fallon - Chairman
Pamela Skinner- Vice-Chairman
Tom Seniow - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member (Excused)
Lisa Linowes - Member
Rick Adams - Member
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Excused)
Terri Lucas - Alternate

Alternate Appointment
The Chairman appointed Mr. Adams to replace Mr. Capron and Mrs. Lucas to replace Mrs. Howell for this meeting.

Mr. Andrew Lane
2 Woodvue Road
Lot #18-L-1

Mr. Lane explained that in July of 1999 personnel from the NHDES Water Division conducted a site inspection of his property. The purpose of the site inspection was to determine compliance with RSA 483-B, the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act. With the information that was gathered from the site inspection and other data available concerning the reference line elevation of Canobie Lake, the Shoreland Protection Program determined that the cutting that took place is beyond 150 feet from the reference line of Canobie Lake and is outside the jurisdiction of the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act. Mr. Lane advised the Commission that he has a letter dated August 2, 1999, signed by Allyson Gourley, Shoreland Compliance Coordinator advising him of the above findings. Mr. Lane went on to say that the next cutting, for which a Wetlands Bureau Complaint was filed in October 2002, was further away. An Excavator worked on the property for approximately two hours. The Building Inspector issued a stop work order. In October 2002 Mr. Lane hired Mr. St. John of Nobis Engineering to map the wetlands on his property. Mr. Lane said that the DES saw the flagging done by Mr. St. John at the brook and Mr. Lane understood that he was clear of any wetland violations. Mr. Lane does no intend to do any work in any wetland. He will apply to remove two hazard trees and grind some stumps. Mrs. Fallon said that Mr. St. John did not complete the flagging on Mr. Lane's property because of a pile of debris. Mr. Lane explained that all of the areas that the Commission is concerned with have been flagged. Mrs. Fallon advised Mr. Lane that she could not close the file on this property until the shoreline flagging is complete. Mr. Lane said that he would have the flagging completed within one month. Mrs. Linowes asked if Mr. Lane would agree to have a Conservation Commission Member present on the property at the same time as Mr. St. John is doing the balance of the flagging? Mr. Lane had no objection to Mrs. Linowes request. The Commission recommended the following to Mr. Lane:

  • Remove the brush that has prevented Mr. St. John from completing the flagging of the area in question
  • Hire a Wetland Specialist to flag the wetland area along the brook.
  • Hire a Wetland Specialist to flag the area along Canobie Lake.
  • Return to the Conservation Commission on June 10, 2003 or June 24, 2003 with a valid wetlands report and photos of the flagged area.
  • Maintain the flags along the areas in question.

Fletcher Road Extension - Three Lot Residential Subdivision
Joe Maynard of Benchmark Engineering
Stormwater Management Report

The subject parcel contains 9+ acres of wooded, undeveloped land located at the end of Fletcher Road. The property to be developed is wooded and gently sloping along its southerly portion. Toward the rear it drops off steeply to the north toward a large wetland complex. The soils throughout are generally well drained and shallow to bedrock. The only wetlands are located along the northerly boundary of the site and away from the developable portion of the land. Three new lots are proposed and all will be serviced by community water from the existing Fletcher's Crossing water system and individual septic systems. The total watershed contains approximately 8 acres. All runoff is toward a large wetland along the northerly portion of the property. This wetland, although contiguous, actually drains in two separate directions. The westerly portion of the wetland is located within the Rock Pond watershed. The easterly one drains to the south toward Golden brook. Both wetland complexes encompass large land areas containing from 20 to several hundred acres. Under current design all runoff generated by the new development will flow to the north and away from the existing road, homes and driveways. The existing cul-de-sac will be removed which will result in a decrease in pavement area within this watershed. Therefore, the flow toward the existing portion of Fletcher Road will slightly decrease. Mr. Maynard advised the Members that a 30-foot Right-of-Way would be deeded to the town. Also discussed was 24-foot pavement, silt fencing and a "no cut" zone.

Castle Hill Road - Dredge & Fill Minimum Impact
Jack McCartney, Highway Agent
Repair or replace as necessary 5 existing culverts along Castle Hill Road. Disturbed area approximately 40 square feet per invert for a total of 200 square feet.

Mr. McCartney explained that replacing rather than repairing aged culverts would have the least impact on wetlands. This work will be done over a five-year period. Mrs. Linowes motioned to approve this Dredge & Fill. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Review of ZBA Case 12-2003, Lot #20-E-135
Applicant - Karl Dubay
Owner - Pesando NH Prop.Trust
Location - On Right-of-Way between numbers 19 + 23 off of Bear Hill Rd.

A variance is requested from Section 702, Appendix A-1 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the subdivision of one lot to two lots and build two houses with Conservation Easements, no frontage on a town approved road, shared driveway over existing town right-of-way fronting the parcel connecting to Bear Hill Road. Mrs. Linowes motioned to send a representative to the May 13, 2003 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting to state the Conservation Commission's support of this request. Mr. Seniow seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Other Business
Mr. Seniow motioned to reimburse $34.00 to Mrs. Fallon for signs. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr.Seniow motioned to reimburse $28.65 to Mrs. Fallon, ($15.00 Book, $13.65 Postage). Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Seniow motioned to reimburse $15.00 to Mrs. Fallon for coffee that was purchased for the April 24, 2003 workshop. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Seniow motioned to reimburse $45.00 to Mrs. Lucas, cost of attending Saving Special Places Seminar.

A site walk is scheduled for May 17, 2003 at Flat Rock.

A workshop is scheduled for June 19, 2003 with the Planning Board and a Developer to review the road layout around Morrison Road.


  • Letter from Michele Repetto regarding Lamplighter Village
  • Spring 2003 Issue of The Source
  • Spring 2003 Issue of Wildlines from NH Fish & Game Dept.
  • NHDES Acknowledgment of Receipt Wetlands File #2003-00728 Charlie Donohue, Morrison Road, Lot #3-A-512
  • NHDES Letter of Deficiency File #2003-00477, Mr. & Mrs. Upton, Turtle Rock Road
  • NHDES Letter of Deficiency File #2003-00477, Glenn Williams, Turtle Rock Road
  • NHDES Field Inspection Report from Arlene Allen, Hancock Road, Carbo Development

Mrs. Linowes motioned to go into closed session based on RSA 91-A:3 to discuss land acquisition. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. An individual vote was taken and the motion was approved.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved 6/5/2003