Conservation Committee
February 13, 2003

James Finn - Chairman (Resigned)
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman (Excused)
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Tom Seniow - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate

Alternate Appointment
Ms. Skinner, acting Chairman, appointed Mr. Rouillard to replace Mr. Finn and Mr. Adams to replace Ms. Howell for this meeting.

Mr. Capron motioned to accept the January 23, 2003 minutes as amended. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Public Hearing - Ingersoll Tri-Town Tree Farm Project
Mr. Mike Speltz of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests provided a map showing the layout of the Ingersoll Tri-Town Tree Farm Project. There is a 71-acre reservation owned by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests that connects to a 115-acre parcel in Londonderry that connects to a 49-acre parcel in Hudson both of which connect to a small parcel on Beaver Brook, next to the Andrew Town Forest in Windham. These parcels would total 300 acres of connected forests. Windham's portion of the over $2,000,000.00 in transactions is $24,000.00 ($800.00 per acre). Windham is making a significant contribution to the overall good of all three communities by allowing them to go after two grants; LCHIP for $500,000.00 and a grant from the NH Department of Environmental Services from which $270,000.00 has been received. This money will be applied to this purchase and split up among the three towns. Because Windham's share is small the portion of the grant that Windham receives will be small as well. Mr. Speltz introduced Ruth Ingersoll Clough, one of the owners of the property (Mrs. Clough was also representing her brothers and sisters). Mrs. Clough gave a brief history of the property. Mr. Tom Case said that this is a great project and money well spent. Mr. Wayne Morris thanked the Clough/Ingersoll family and also thanked Mr. Jim Finn for all the work he did on this project. Mr. Roger Hohenberger thanked the Clough/Ingersoll family, the Conservation Commission and Mr. Mike Speltz. Mr. Rouillard motioned to purchase the Clough/Ingersoll property for $24,000.00. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Review of Zoning Board Application 7-B-30, Case #6-2003
62 Searles Road
An Appeal of an Administrative Decision is requested concerning Section 601.4.5 of the Zoning Ordinance. This Wetland Watershed Protection District Section of the Ordinance has been interpreted to apply when the second hundred feet has an upward slope of 12% or more.

Mr. Rouillard read the request into the record. Mr. Sam Nassar, the Applicant, explained to the Commission his interpretation of the Ordinance. After listening to Mr. Nassar's presentation the Conservation Commission had the following comments:

  • The Commission continues to support the ordinance as presently interpreted, however, the Commission feels that this section of the ordinance could be better defined.
  • The Commission would look forward to working with the Planning Board and the Planning Department in the future.
  • A member(s) of the Conservation Commission will attend the next ZBA meeting to express the concerns of the Commission.

Mr. Rouillard motioned to support the way the ordinance is interpreted at this time; the ordinance could be better defined; the Commission should work with the Planning Board to get a better definition so that these questions do not come up in the future. Mr. Seniow amended the motion. It is in the conservation interest of the town to continue to interpret the ordinance as it is currently done in the Planning Office until the ordinance is specifically addressed. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Spruce Pond - Withdrawn from the agenda, scheduled for the Feb. 27, 2003 meeting
Mrs. Linowes advised the Commission that an entirely new road design was presented to the Planning Board. Mrs. Linowes said that she is concerned that since this plan is in such a preliminary stage to initiate the Dredge & Fills at this point even on Phase I is premature. It is still in the discussion stage at the Planning Board.

Butterfield Estates
34 Lot Conventional Subdivision
North Lowell Road, East side between Pine Hill & County Roads
Lots 6-C-100, 800, 2000, 2000A, 2000B, 2500 & 2500A
After reviewing the submitted plan the Commission had the following comments:

  • Unable to make comments due to lack of topographical and soils mapping.
  • Curious to understand how the proposed Butterfield Road connects to any town road.

Whispering Winds - Phase II (Conceptual Master Plan)
Mammoth Road
Lot 19-A-800/801
After reviewing the submitted plan the Commission had the following comments:

  • Unable to make comments due to lack of topographical and soils mappings.
  • If this plan were to go forward in the future the commission would like to make a site visit.

Other Business
Mrs. Linowes motioned to accept the By-laws. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Rouillard thanked Mr. Finn, former Chairman of the Conservation Commission, for all his hard work and that he was sorry to see him go. Mr. Capron also thanked Mr. Finn for his contribution to the Commission and said that he too was sorry to see Mr. Finn go.

Mrs. Linowes spoke to the Commission regarding Article #30. Mr. Rouillard suggested that a letter be sent to the Windham Independent stating how the Conservation Commission wants to maintain 100% of current use.

Mr. Rouillard motioned to postpone the request by Brian Harvey to unseal a portion of the November 7, 2002 minutes sealed minutes till the February 27, 2003 meeting. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Adams motioned to pay the $200.00 Brooks Real Estate invoice for the appraisal of property at Castle Hill Road. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Rouillard motioned to adjourn at 9:50 PM. Mrs. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for February 27, 2003 at 7:30 PM in the Planning & Development office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved  3/8/2003