Conservation Committee
January 23, 2003

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Tom Seniow - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate (Absent)

Mr. Brian Harvey of H&B Homes requested a copy of a portion of the November 7, 2002 sealed minutes. Mr. Harvey said that he wanted to know why the Conservation Commission has interest in his land. The Members explained that the minutes are sealed until all properties are purchased or the Commission is no longer interested in them.

Tremblay Subdivision - Lot 21-G-300
4-Lot Traditional Residential Subdivision
Canterbury/Candlewood Roads

After reviewing the submitted plans the Commission had the following comments:

  • The Commission preferred the Cul-de-sac plan.
  • Environmentally the Cul-de-sac plan has less impact.
  • Request a joint site walk with the Planning Board.

DelPozzo Subdivision - Lot 7-A-1100
2-Lot Conventional Subdivision
108 North Lowell Road

After reviewing the submitted plan the Commission had the following comments:

  • Request a joint site walk with the Planning Board.
  • Verify wetland delineation to see how it impacts WWPD placement.
  • Confirm if wetland on Lot #1 is separate from Lot #2.

Mesiti Subdivision - Lot 7-A-694
8-Lot Conventional Subdivision
Jenny's Hill Road

After reviewing the submitted plan the Commission had the following comments:

  • Lot size calculation - How did they come up with the number of homes.
  • Is there a trail easement that leads to Mitchell Pond from Phase I development? Is so please show on plan.
  • Mark all 12" diameter trees as per town site regulations.

Mr. Adams motioned to amend a portion of the December 12, 2002 minutes. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Mr. Seniow motioned to approve the December 12, 2002 minutes as amended. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Seniow motioned to approve the January 9, 2003 minutes as written. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Other Business
Mrs. Fallon motioned to modify the By-Laws, change election from "the first meeting following the Windham Annual Town Meeting" to during the month of June. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Capron motioned to reimburse Mrs. Fallon $65.97 for color and Black & White letter and legal size copies of the Southeast Lands Booklet. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.


  • Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Nassar dated 1/11/03.
  • Letter to Wetlands Bureau Enforcement Investigator from Mr. Turner regarding 2 Woodvue Road.
  • Letter from Arlene Allen, Compliance Specialist at NHDES regarding 2 Woodvue Road.
  • NHDES request for more information regarding 30 Partridge Road.
  • Letter from Luke Hurley of Gove Environmental to NHDES providing requested information regarding 30 Partridge Road.
  • Letter from NHDES regarding the Heights of West Windham compliance with RSA 482-A.
  • Winter 2003 Issue of The Source.
  • Winter 2003 Issue of Wildlines.
  • NHDES regarding Water Supply Land Grant

At 8:50 PM Mr. Seniow motioned to go into closed session to discuss land acquisition. Mr. Seniow amended his motion. Mr. Seniow motioned to go into closed session per RSA 91-A:3 paragraph d to discuss land acquisition. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for February 13, 2003 at 7:30 PM in the Planning & Development office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved 3/8/2003