Conservation Committee
January 9, 2003

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member (Absent)
Tom Seniow - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Absent)
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate (Absent)

Mr. Bruce Breton, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, spoke to the Commission regarding the design of the CC agenda. The Conservation Commission reviews zoning board applications and may make recommendations or comments. Mr. Breton said that he had two phone calls from zoning board applicants asking if they need to attend the next zoning board meeting if their application was not approved at the Conservation meeting. Mr. Breton said that listing of ZBA applications on the Conservation agenda is confusing to the public. Mrs. Kovolyan said that the zoning board applications have been listed on the Conservation Commission agenda for over a year and this is the first time that she has heard of any confusion. Mrs. Fallon stated that the way the ZBA applications were listed on the agenda for January 9, 2003 was very helpful. Mr. Breton suggested that a copy of the Zoning Board Agenda be given to the Commission rather then list the ZBA applications on the Commission's agenda. A memo from Mr. Turner, Director of Planning & Development, suggested the agenda be worded differently. The words review of could precede the zoning board applications.

Ms. Margaret Crisler (although Ms. Crisler is Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, she was speaking as a private citizen) advised the Commission that a petition is being circulated to divert current use money from the Conservation Commission to another fund. Ms. Crisler attended this meeting to encourage the Conservation Commission to purchase something between now and the March 2003 Town Meeting. Ms. Crisler said that hiring a land agent is an excellent idea and that David Sullivan, Town Manager, is an excellent contract negotiator. Ms. Crisler spoke briefly about the Pennichuck Water acquisition. Ms. Crisler asked if the Conservation Commission was following this issue and if they were supportive of the Town of Windham joining with other towns to take action.

At 8:00 PM Mr. Seniow motioned to go into non-public session to discuss land use with Consultant Steve Lewis. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

At 9:00 PM Mr. Seniow motioned to go into public session. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Anderson Subdivision
30-Lot Open Space Residential Development
Lot #3-A-512, Morrison & Mitchell Pond Roads
Presenter - Matt Hamon of Meisner Brem Corporation

After listening to Mr. Hamon's presentation and reviewing the submitted plans the Commission had the following comments and recommendations:

  • Reduce Mitchell Pond Road (extension) to 24-feet.
  • Modify existing main entrance area so that it goes around wetland or use conventional plan access.
  • Open space preferred as a planned development over conventional
  • Public access through open space with preservation of existing trails.
  • Additional comments may be provided after site walk.

Mrs. Linowes motioned to review the Tremblay Subdivision at the next Conservation Commission meeting (January 23, 2003). Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mrs. Linowes advised the Members that the Canobie Lake Protection Association would like to meet with the Conservation Commission. Mrs. Linowes said that she would like to work with Mr. Adams regarding Canobie Lake's issues.

Review of Zoning Board of Adjustment Applications

Lot #17-C-102C, Case #39-2002
3 Spring Street

Not in the purview of the Conservation Commission.

Lot #21-K-29, Case #1-2003
66 Turtle Rock Road

After reviewing the application the Conservation Commission had the following comments:

  • Supportive of the footprint of the home being set back from the lake.
  • Supportive of septic system improvements.
  • Request erosion control measures are in place prior to demolition and construction.

Lot #21-K-24, Case # 2-2003
74 Turtle Rock Road

Not in purview of the Conservation Commission.

Lot #19-B-734, Case #3-2002
2 Mary Street

Not in purview of the Conservation Commission

Lot #3-B-600, Case #4-2003
179 Rockingham Road

A representative of the Conservation Commission will be present at the January 14, 2003 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting to discuss this application.

Lot #17-J-175, Case #5&5A-2003
4 Gardner Road

Not in purview of the Conservation Commission.

Mrs. Fallon motioned to have Mrs. Linowes represent the Conservation Commission at the January 14, 2003 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting. Mr. Seniow seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Other Business
The Members briefly discussed the warrant articles for conservation easements. The Members also discussed the possibility of a citizen petition for a $4 million bond.

At 11:30 PM Mrs. Fallon motioned to adjourn. Mrs. Linowes seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for January 23, 2003 at 7:30 PM in the Planning & Development office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved 1/28/2003