Conservation Committee
December 12, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member (Excused)
Cherie Howell - Member
Tom Seniow - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate (Excused)

Alternate Appointment
The Chairman appointed Mr. Adams to replace Mr. Capron for this meeting.

Devon Farmer
Boy Scout, Devon Farmer, provided photographs showing the trail he cleared and marked to the Gage Land. Mr. Seniow said that this is now a very accessible trail. The Chairman stated that a letter would be sent to Devon regarding the wonderful work he did on the trail.

Canobie Lake Protective Association
Mr. Bill Schroeder of 14 Woodvue Road questioned if any progress has been made regarding the alleged violation at 2 Woodvue Road. A Wetland Bureau Complaint was filed by the Building Department regarding the stump removal and excavation. Mr. Schroeder asked for a copy of the complaint form. Mr. Schroeder wanted to know if any progress had been made since the complaint was filed. The Department of Environmental Services requested more information. The homeowner was advised by the Code Enforcement Officer to seek the help of a Soils Scientist and to talk with the Conservation Commission. More information will be available after we receive the report from the Soils Scientist. The Chairman advised Mr. Schroeder that the Conservation Commission would keep him informed of any developments.

Mark J. Fougere of Fougere Planning & Development
Fougere Planning & Development's primary service focus is with planning and development related matters. Mr. Fougere was the primary staff person to the Conservation Commissions in both Nashua and Milford. Mr. Fougere stated that he could assist the Commission in identifying and bringing under agreement the protection of high priority properties in the Windham. Mr. Fougere discussed with the Commission the preserving of unique and valuable Windham landscapes. Mr. Fougere will forward a consulting contract to the Conservation Commission. Mr. Fougere's fee is $55.00 per hour and if successful purchasing land would like a 3% commission. A workshop will be scheduled after the Commission receives Mr. Fougere's proposal.
Lamplighter Village - Special Permit Application
Permit Description - Approval of a WWPD Special Permit to allow the replacement and upgrading of utility lines for three existing wells on the subject property. Access to the existing pump house and wells is via an existing gravel access road and existing legal wetland crossing. Work within the WWPD is to be restricted to the existing gravel roadbed. Applicant proposes no new WWPD disturbance, nor any expansion of the existing wetland crossing.

  • To be completed in times of low flow such as winter or late summer.
  • Hay bales maintained and removed when area is stable.
  • Confirm culvert size.
  • Amount of fill?
  • Confirm width of road or will it remain the same?
  • Low Flow is not listed in the Sequence of Construction.

Robert Lee Driveway Construction Dredge & Fill
The project proposes to fill 1,370 square feet of wetland to create a driveway to a single-family home. The Commission walked this site during the summer and decided that the most desirable position for the driveway is along the northerly property line.

Lot #1-C-1800, Case #40-2002 Zoning Board Application
Peter Rokel
107 Londonderry Road

A variance is requested from Section 702 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit an addition to the existing home that will encroach into the front setback by 6.6-feet. The addition will have a 43.4 foot setback where 50-feet is required.
After reviewing Case #40-2002 the Commission had no comments.

Tremblay Subdivision
4-Lot Traditional Residential Subdivision
Canterbury/Candlewood Roads, Lot 21-G-300

After reviewing the preliminary plans the Commission had the following comments:

  • All erosion protection be maintained during construction and removed after the surrounding area is stable.
  • The existing road width be maintained not enlarged.
  • Construction Sequence be followed and all work be completed in low flow periods (winter or late summer/fall).
  • If fill is being used please confirm amount.
  • Please provide the Conservation Commission a cross section of the proposed fill area and confirm the size of the proposed culvert.
  • Need road profiles.
  • Would like to schedule a site walk.

More comments may be provided after the site walk.

Other Business
Mr. Rouillard provided the completed annual monitoring inspection report of the Deer Leap Natural Area to the Commission. Mr. Rouillard walked 70% of the boundary and said that it is in better shape than previous years. A copy of this report was sent to the Selectmen.

Mrs. Howell reported to the Commission a conversation she had with Mrs. Noyles regarding signs that were hung 486 feet into the Landry property. Mrs. Fallon reported on the meeting both she and Mrs. Linowes had with the abutter to the Landry property.

Mrs. Fallon advised the Commission of a grant that the Trails Committee is pursuing. The grant would include the purchase of an ATV, trailer and chain saw. Mrs. Fallon motioned the Conservation Commission support the purchase of an ATV. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Motion opposed by all. There is a provision in the grant for conservation brochures. The purchase of Walking In Windham Books will be added to the grant.

Mrs. Howell motioned to reimburse Mrs. Fallon $19.99 for the purchase of a picture frame used for a photograph that was presented to the Johnson Farm. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

This was the final meeting that Cherie Howell, former Chairman, would be attending. Cherie has volunteered her time for five years to the Conservation Commission. The Town of Windham has benefited from Cherie's knowledge. Anyone who worked with Cherie or came before the Conservation Commission was the recipient of her constant consideration and understanding. The Conservation Commission is losing a very valuable member. Cherie and her husband Pete along with their two children Amelia and Samuel will be moving the end of this month to Ireland. Cherie was presented with a plaque and a bouquet of roses.

Minutes Mr. Adams motioned to approve the November 14, 2002 minutes as written. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.


  1. Letter from Al Turner to Kevin and Lucinda Blanchard regarding wetland impacts at 32 Kendall Pond Road.
  2. DES Wetlands permit 2002-02078 to Johnson's Farm. Dredge 10,800 square feet of mainly wet meadow wetland for construction of an irrigation pond for field crops.
  3. DES Wetland permit 1997-00667 to Castle Reach Dev. LLC. Dredge and fill three areas of forested wetlands and install a 6' X 8' X 53' box culvert to upgrade two road crossings for a total of 12,880 square feet of impact to access 46 residential lots (Phase 1B) in a 159-acre subdivision of 550 acres. Provide four areas of open space for a total of 103.4 acres. All work shall be in accordance with plans received on 2/17/98.
  4. DES Wetland permit 2002-01923 to Castle Reach Dev., LLC. Fill 980 square fee of wetland to construct a subdivision roadway to a proposed 50-lot subdivision.
  5. Letter to Gary Spaulding of SFC Engineering regarding WWPD Ordinance.
  6. DES Acknowledgment of receipt of wetland application, file #2002-02558 for 30 Partridge Road.
  7. Letter from William Silvestri of Silvestri Corporation regarding Lamplighter Village. Conservation Commission is included in their mailing list.
  8. DES Wetlands permit 2002-02201 Nassar Investment Trust. Fill approximately 1,171 square feet of a man-made drainage ditch to widen Governor Dinsmore Road to provide access to a 17-lot residential subdivision.
  9. Letter from Rockingham County Conservation District regarding USDA Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program.
  10. Letter to Sarah Gill, 6 Lancaster Road from Al Turner regarding WWPD violations.

At 10:12 PM Mrs. Howell motioned to adjourn. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for January 9, 2003 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved  1/28/2003