Conservation Committee
November 14, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary (Excused)
Gerry Capron - Member (Excused)
Cherie Howell - Member
Tom Seniow - Member (Excused)
Lisa Linowes - Member (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate (Excused)

Alternate Appointment
Mr. Adams was appointed to replace Mr. Capron for this meeting.

Mr. Adams motioned and Mr. Rouillard seconded to approve the October 24, 2002 minutes as written. Passed unanimously.

Spruce Pond
Presenter - Joe Maynard of Benchmark Engineering
170 Acres
Approximately 40-44 proposed lots.

Mr. Maynard provided a Wildlife Study to the Commission. Phase I has been surveyed. The existing driveway will remain. The proposed road area is an ideal location because of sight distance. The existing trails are shown on the plans and they will remain. Each Phase will be on its own water system but the water systems will be connected for emergencies. Mr. Maynard explained that he is at the design portion now and is still soliciting information. Mrs. Fallon gave Mr. Harvey information on Green Architecture.

Whispering Winds Phase II - Planning Board Plans
61 Units of Affordable Elderly Housing
Lots 19-A-800 & 801, Pleasant Street (off Rt. 128, Mammoth Road)

After reviewing the submitted plans the Commission had the following comments:

  • A portion of the building is in the Aquifer Protection District.
  • Need Soils Mapping
  • Need Topo
  • What formula was used to determine the number of units? There is an extensive Aquifer District and WWPD.
  • Can't identify the Septic System. Where is the water coming from?

Fox Farm - Planning Board Plans
15-Lot Open Space Residential Development
Lots 7-B-30 & 8-C-300, Searles Road

After reviewing the submitted plans the Commission had the following comments:

  • Lot size calculations?
  • The Conservation Commission supports the 20-foot road width.
  • The Conservation Commission would like to schedule a joint site walk with the Planning Board.

Lot #16-Q-171, Case #36-2002 Zoning Board Application
James Joaquim
32 First Street

A variance is requested from Section 702 Appendix A-1 and Section 702 Appendix A-1 Note 12 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of 15'6" X 8' Deck 13-feet from the right side lot line and 11-feet from the left side lot line where 30-feet is required and within 50-feet of the water line at full pond. After reviewing the Case #36-20002 the Commission had the following comment:

  • The deck will further encroach on the Shoreland Protection setback.

Lot #1-C-1800, Case #40-2002 Zoning Board Application
Peter Rokel
107 Londonderry Road

A variance is requested from Section 702 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit an addition to the existing home that will encroach into the front setback by 6.6-feet. The addition will have a 43.4 foot setback where 50-feet is required.
After reviewing Case #40-2002 the Commission had no comments.

Lot #25-G-138, Case #38 & 38A-2002 Zoning Board Application
Robert Hofeman - Owner
Michael & Coleen Furey - Applicant
27 Emerson Road

A variance is requested form Section 702 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a 3-bedroom house on a lot with frontage on a private road. An Appeal from an Administrative Decision RSA 674:41 concerning Section 702 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of 3-bedroom house on a lot with frontage on a private road.
After reviewing Case #38 & 38A-2002 the Conservation Commission had no comments.

Other Business
Mr. Rouillard motioned to approve the amended By-Laws. Mrs. Fallon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Mr. Adams advised the Members that a construction sequence was needed for Lamplighter Village. A silt fence and hay bales were not put up until after the area was cleared and heavy equipment was in place.

Mrs. Fallon motioned to seal the minutes from closed session meetings held on October 29, 2002 and the November 7, 2002. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

At 9:48 PM Mrs. Howell motioned to go into closed session. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for December 12, 2002 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved  12/21/2002