Conservation Committee
October 24, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member (Absent)
Cherie Howell - Member (Excused)
Tom Seniow - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member (Excused)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate (Absent)
Rick Adams - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate (Absent)

Alternate Appointment
The Chairman appointed Mr. Adams to replace Mrs. Howell for this meeting.

Mr. Adams motioned and Miss Skinner seconded to approve the October 10, 2002 minutes as written. Mrs. Fallon, Miss Skinner, Mr. Seniow and Mr. Adams voted to accept the minutes as written. Mr. Finn abstained.

Policies, Procedures & By-Laws
Mrs. Fallon provided an outline of procedures for the Members to review. Mrs. Fallon also gave the Members a copy of a brochure that she composed which includes a Mission Statement. The Members were given a draft of the By-Laws that were revised by Mr. Rouillard to review.

Land Donation
Mr. Finn read into the record Mrs. Howell's E-Mail regarding Dr. Yukl's land donation. Dr. Yukl is interested in a Charitable Remainder Trust with a Reserved Life Estate. Mr. Seniow motioned and Mr. Adams seconded to allow the Chairman to pursue the Charitable Remainder Trust as mentioned. Passed unanimously.

Land Acquisition
A workshop is scheduled for Monday, October 28, 2002 at 7:00 PM.

Historic Farms
Mr. Finn read into the record a letter from David Sullivan, Town Administrator, regarding open space and the protection of historic farms. After a brief discussion the Commission decided to respond by letter to advise the Board of Selectmen what the Conservation Commission has been doing regarding historic farms and open space.


  • NHACC 32nd Annual Meeting scheduled for November 2, 2002 at Rundlett Middle School in Concord, NH.
  • Letter from David Sullivan regarding open space.
  • Year-To-Date Budget Report
  • Year-To-Date Current Use
  • Memo from Windham Historic District/Heritage Commission regarding Preservation of Historic Farms.
  • Wetlands Bureau Complaint for 2 Woodvue Road regarding stump removal and excavation in wetland area.
  • Letter from the Seavey Pond Association regarding Lamplighter Village.
  • Letter from Miller Engineering to the Silvestri Corporation regarding the reconstruction of the Seavey Pond Dike.
  • Letter from M.L. & Sons Enterprises regarding the Pre-Construction Stabilization of the Seavey Pond Dike.
  • Letter from Miller Engineering to Andrew & Maurice Builders regarding construction sequencing for the Earth Dike on Seavey Pond.
  • DES letter regarding Carbo Development, Castle Reach Phase II, File #2002-01923, notification of an incomplete application.
  • NH SCC 2003 Number Plate Grant Program Information.
  • Copy of Mr. Turner's letter regarding wetland impacts at 32 Kendall Pond Road.
  • DES Amended Wetland Permit #1997-00169 to dredge 2,609 square feet for a detention pond and fill 6850 square feet to widen Seavey Pond Road and to install two box culverts and impact 3894 square feet of bank over 175 in. ft. for dam face stabilization to provide access to a 60-unit subdivision on 75 acres.
  • Apple Festival Wrap Up Meeting will be held on November 7, 2002 at the Media Center of Center School at 7:30 PM.
  • DES Johnson Highland View Farm File #2002-02078, Conservation Commission's report received.
  • DES Permit #2002-01714 - Heritage Hill Road, Beaver Brook Dredge & Fill 2748 square feet of stream and wetland to provide a road crossing to a proposed 39-lot subdivision.
  • DES Invitation to submit pre-proposals for a watershed project.

Mr. Seniow motioned and Miss Skinner seconded to adjourn at 9:00 PM. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for November 14, 2002 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved  12/21/2002