Conservation Committee
September 26, 2002

James Finn - Chairman
Dianna Fallon - Vice-Chairman
Pamela Skinner - Secretary
Gerry Capron - Member
Cherie Howell - Member
Lisa Linowes - Member (Excused)
Tom Seniow - Member (Absent)
Bernie Rouillard - Alternate
Terri Lucas - Alternate
Rick Adams - Alternate

Mrs. Fallon motioned to accept the June 27, 2002 and the September 12, 2002 Minutes. Miss Skinner seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Alternate Appointment
The Chairman appointed Mr. Rouillard to replace Mrs. Linowes and Mr. Adams to replace Mr. Seniow for this meeting.

Nassar Subdivision - Dredge & Fill, Minimum Impact Expedited Application
Presenter - Wes Aspinwall
This project proposes to combine lots 13-C-1 & 7-B-5 and then subdivide the parcel into 17 single-family house lots. Wetland impacts are in an area identified as a man-made drainage ditch. The impact area totals 1171 square feet. Mr. Rouillard motioned to have the Chairman sign the Minimum Impact Dredge & Fill application. Mr. Capron seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Johnson's Highland View Farm - Dredge & Fill
This project proposed to construct an irrigation pond for field crops. There would be approximately 10,800 square feet of impact. Because she is an abutter, Miss Skinner excused herself from this case. Mr. Rouillard said that he has no objections to this application because of the purpose. This is not a detrimental environmental impact. Mr. Rouillard asked if the fill would be used to build a berm. Mr. Capron motioned to accept this Dredge & Fill. Mr. Adams seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Mr. Rouillard recommended that a letter be sent to the DES suggesting that the spoils that would create a berm be placed on an east west axis so that the berms would potentially divert surface runoff from upland crop fields minimizing nutrient loading.
Spruce Pond
Presenter - Joe Maynard of Benchmark Engineering

This is a conceptual plan of a 400-acre subdivision in the northeast portion of Windham and Derry. Mr. Maynard explained to the Commission that he is looking for information and comments regarding this plan. Mr. Jim Gove of Gove Environmental will do a wildlife study of the area and he will be making a presentation to the Planning Board. The Members will join the Planning Board site walk of Phase 1 (approximately 200 or 220 acres) scheduled for October 5, 2002 at 7:30 AM at the horse track on Route 28. Mr. Maynard will drop off a copy of the map for Phase 2 (Derry).

Other Business
Dr. Trudy Yukl owner of a 1/4-acre lot on Shadow Lake attended the meeting in order to get information on how to give her property to the town (upon her demise). Dr. Yukl spoke to Mrs. Howell approximately three months ago regarding this property. Mr. Rouillard suggested that she could have drawn up a conservation easement that would protect the property. The Commission gave Dr. Yukl the following information:

  1. An outline of Estate Planning & Land Protection Issues for Landowners.
  2. Conservation options for New Hampshire Landowners.
  3. Conservation Easements Questions & Answers.
  4. The New Conservation Easement Tax Incentive.

Mr. Rouillard furnished a draft of By-Laws to be reviewed by the Members.

Mrs. Howell reported that Jeanette Donohue of Girl Scout Troop #1008 received the Gold Award for the Bluebird Houses she placed at Griffin Park.

Miss Skinner motioned to purchase a Conservation Handbook for Mrs. Fallon. Mr. Rouillard seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

Election of Officers
Mr. Rouillard nominated Mr. Finn for Chairman. Mr. Capron seconded the nomination. Nomination was unopposed.

Mr. Capron nominated Mrs. Fallon for Vice-Chairman. Miss Skinner seconded the nomination. Nomination was unopposed.

Mr. Capron nominated Miss Skinner for Secretary. Mr. Adams seconded the nomination. Nomination was unopposed.


  1. Conservation News, Summer 2002 Issue.
  2. Letter from Al Turner regarding Purchase of Open Space.
  3. Windham Garden Club Letter and Donation.
  4. Letter from EPA regarding how their mitigation recommendations relate to the Town of Windham.

At 9:20 PM Mr. Rouillard motioned to go into closed session. Mrs. Howell seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is scheduled for October 10, 2002 at 7:30 PM at the Planning & Development Office.

These minutes are in draft form and are respectfully submitted for approval.

Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved 10/26/2002